North Florida Avenue through Tampa

State and Federal Links

Hillsborough County Legislative Delegation - This is the central office for the four Senators and 12 House members who represent county residents in the Florida Legislature. The office provides support services to the 16 district offices and to the constituency through legislative monitoring, including appropriations issues; constituent problem resolution, particularly those related to state agencies and programs; copies of statutes and newly enacted laws; educational workshops, helping people work more effectively with the Legislature; bill drafting assistance; legislative and statutory research; informational booklets such as "Agencies" and "Answers"; and media relations.

Florida Legislature - The Legislative branch is the law-making branch of the Florida Government and is composed of two houses - the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate and House affect every Floridian's life through legislation relating to how cities and counties operate, through the appointment of state officials, through investigative and budgetary matters, and through taxes. The legislative branch is considered to be the most powerful of the state's three branches of government. The regular session begins on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March and lasts for sixty days. It ends either in sine die adjournment (sine die is a Latin phrase meaning "without day") or in an extension of the regular session to complete unfinished work.

State of Florida - is the State of Florida's web portal. You will experience the latest in internet search, navigation, and ease of use - delivered to you by the State of Florida and Yahoo! The re-designed portal helps you locate Florida information and online services anywhere in the state-- just type in a search topic or navigate through topic categories organized by Visitor, Floridian, Business, and Government. Topics include everything from locating information about our beautiful state parks, to applying for professional licenses, to determining services available for our families and senior citizens, to doing business with the state.

Florida League of Cities - Created in 1922 by city officials who wished to unite the municipal governments in the state, the League has become one of the largest state municipal leagues in the nation. The League is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of elected city, town, and village officials. There are a variety of committees, conferences, and programs for officials to participate in each year.

U.S. Government -, the official U.S. gateway to all government information, is the catalyst for a growing electronic government. Their work transcends the traditional boundaries of government and our vision is global -connecting the world to all U.S. government information and's powerful search engine and ever-growing collection of topical and customer-focused links connects you to millions of webpages - from the federal government, local and tribal governments and to foreign nations around the world. On, you can search more than 51 million web pages from federal and state governments, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. Most of these pages are not available on commercial websites. has the most comprehensive search of government anywhere on the Internet.

U.S. Congress - The Congress of the United States is the legislative, or lawmaking, branch of the federal government. It is a bicameral legislature, which means that it is made up of two chambers, or houses. They are the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Constitution of the United States gives the two houses similar powers. The most important of these is that no law can be adopted unless it is first passed in identical form by a majority(more than half) of the members of each house.

National League of Cities - A central focus of the National League of Cities is to be an advocate for the interests of U.S. Cities and Towns with the Federal Government. Legislative activities involve a continuous effort to inform its members of pending actions in Washington that have implications for cities and towns.

U.S. Conference of Mayors - The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are 1,139 such cities in the country today. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. The primary roles of the Conference of Mayors are to: promote the development of effective national urban/suburban policy; strengthen federal-city relationships; ensure that federal policy meets urban needs; provide mayors with leadership and management tools; and create a forum in which mayors can share ideas and information.

Updated: 04/05/2024