Tampa has earned a perfect score again for its inclusivity and protection of the LGTBQ+ community.
Conducted yearly by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the Municipal Equality Index examines how inclusive municipal laws, policies, and services are of LGBTQ+ people who live and work there. More than 500 cities are rated.
The City of Tampa received the maximum score of 100 for its high ratings across all five categories, which assess the city’s non-discrimination laws, its efforts to support LGBTQ+ employees, public safety and fair enforcement of the law, among other areas.
“Tampa prides itself on its diversity and the differences that create a vibrant and unique society,” said Mayor Jane Castor. “For this reason, we must do everything we can to ensure all individuals, particularly historically-marginalized groups, that have suffered greatly from discrimination and hostility, like the LGBTQ+ community, feel safe, welcome, and valued in our thriving city.”
Click here to learn more about the Municipal Equality Index: https://www.hrc.org/resources/municipal-equality-index.
Tampa Earns Perfect Score for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity
This information is 1 month 3 weeks old and may no longer be accurate.
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