Time For Love

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1913 North Nebraska Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602
United States

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Never before has such a play hit Tampa, FL and on May 31st at 8pm, your life may very well begin to change as you are inspired, shocked and entertained by a Time For Love.

Horatio is a wealthy inventor who has never known true love. Having worked his entire life exploring new concepts in science and engineering, his efforts for success have left him void of what truly matters. Horatio creates the first time machine which his faithful assistant Winston takes to explore various times and cultures to bring back some of those most awe-inspiring women in the world in hopes one can capture Horatios heart.

Things don't always go as planned and twists and turns abound in this powerful story of love woven through a powerhouse variety of stunning performances by performers at the top of their field including Jazz Vocalist Joanne Togati as Isabella, Power House Paso Doble dancer Camila Rohas as Caliope, Former Competitive Gymnast, Latin Ballroom, Salsa and West Coast Swing Dancer Cristen Appleton as Cristina, Acrobatic Latin Dancer Larissa Oliviera as Fatima, Shockingly elegant and silky smooth Pole Dancer Kushina Hicks as Francesca and High flying aerialist Christy Parker as Astrid as well as the amazingly talented Nick Cokran as Launna to bring it all together. Starring Robert Fowler as Horatio and Clinton Hughes as Winston.

The Best Date Night You'll have in years. Treat Yourself to something special and end your night in happy tears. Its time for love..

$25 to $65 Use Code: HORATIO for $5 Off

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