Parking Division
107 N. Franklin Street
Tampa, Florida 33602

Parking Garages and Lots
Find parking garages and parking lots in downtown and Ybor City.

On-Street Parking
Find On-street parking throughout the City.

Pay Parking Citation
Pay for your parking citation online, in-person, or by mail.

Parking Rates
Review costs of downtown parking garages, metered spaces, and surface lots.

Apply for Monthly Parking
To apply for monthly parking, please click the link below.

Request Special event parking and Daily parking validations.

Purchase Event Parking
Prepay for your event parking online.

Meter Space Rentals
On-street space rentals require 72 hrs. (3 business days) notice.

Appeal Parking Citation
Appeal parking citation/fee due invoice.

Residential Parking
Ybor City, Channel District, Courier City, Oscawana.

Report Nuisance Parking
Let us know if you are having a problem with parking in front of your house or business.

Micro-Mobility Parking
Map of our downtown micro-mobility parking locations.