Tampa Kayaker Sunset

Parking - Request for Special Event Parking

Use this service to make a request for Special-Event Parking Validations. Special-Event Validation (Chaser) tickets are available for use at Fort Brooke, Pam Iorio, Twiggs, Centro Ybor and Palm Ave Garages. These tickets are used for single or multiple-day events to cover all parking charges for your event guests. The guest will insert the validation ticket at exit, post-event. Your account will be billed for the charges. Poe Garage and Tampa Convention Center Garage utilize a different process using an assigned code for your event, which you will relay to all of your attendees prior to PREPAY for their parking session, once parked. The attendee will enter his/her vehicle tag # and the assigned code at the pay station to PREPAY. Your account will be billed for the charges. Either process (validation tickets or assigned codes) will cover either the hourly charge or event-rate charge for the facility. This is not used for monthly reoccurring billed account tickets. Please use the Daily Billed Account service for this.
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