North Florida Avenue through Tampa

FY2024 Approved Budget Ordinance No. 2023-120

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Date Posted

File No. B2024-2 – ORDINANCE NO. 2023-120 (UNAN)

(Ordinance presented for second reading and adoption) - An ordinance adopting the budget of the City of Tampa for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023 and ending September 30, 2024; Providing for the levy as provided by law of a tax on all taxable property in the City of Tampa and fixing the millage within said City; Making appropriations in accordance with the provisions of said budget; Authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk, as the proper authorities of the City of Tampa to certify to the Property Appraiser of Hillsborough County, Florida, the millage to be levied for all purposes for the Fiscal Year 2024, in the City of Tampa; Providing an effective date. (Original motion to approve said ordinance on first reading initiated by Miranda-Carlson on September 5, 2022) (ORDINANCE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY.)

Motion: (Miranda-Viera) That Council moves to accept and adopt said revised ordinance. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.

Motion: (Henderson-Miranda) That the revised ordinance submitted by Morris Massey, Deputy City Attorney, be received and filed. Motion carried unanimously by voice roll call vote of 7-0.

Motion: (Miranda-Clendenin) That said public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously.