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General Employees' Retirement Fund

General Employee Retirement Fund Logo

General Employees' Retirement Fund Available Hours:

8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday - Friday

Monthly Board of Trustees MeetingsThe Board meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Hanna City Center, 2555 E Hanna Avenue, Tampa, FL 33610, T&I conference room – 3rd Floor.  Everyone is invited to attend; however, if you plan to attend, you must wear a face covering, and have picture identification; employees must have their city ID.

MemberDirect is the portal to your pension record. To access information about your pension benefits, please visit MemberDirect and login to your account. The portal allows you to estimate your pension benefit or, if retired, view retirement benefits and DROP balance. In addition, you may make changes to your direct deposit, tax withholdings, and address/phone information. Beneficiary information is available to view only on MemberDirect. You can also send a secure message to the GE Pension Office via the portal’s Message Center.

If you wish for the GE Pension Office to make any changes to your pension record, a signed form is required. Click Forms to print the form you need. Complete the form, sign and date it, then return it to the GE Pension Office (do not return via email) and we will update your record. Be sure to follow the instructions on each form and include any supporting documents as required.

If you are considering entering the DROP or retiring, please make an appointment with Pamela Powell, GE Pension Accounting Technician I or by contacting the General Employees' Retirement Fund.

Public Records Awareness: Information we receive may be considered public information which is subject to disclosure under Florida law. Learn more about our privacy policy.

General Employees' Retirement Fund Receives 2024 PPCC Award:  The Public Pension Coordinating Council (PPCC) on 10/17/24 awarded the General Employees' Retirement Fund its second Public Pension Standards Award for Funding and Administration. The award represents the General Employees' Retirement Fund has met the professional standards for plan funding and administration as set forth in the PPCC's public pension standards and reflect minimum expectations for public retirement system management and administration; as well as serve as a benchmark by which all defined benefit public plans should be measured. The Public Pension Coordinating Council is a coalition of the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA); the National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR); and the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS). Together, these associations represent more than 500 of the largest pension plans in the U.S.

FY 2023 Annual Report Produced for Members & Retirees: The General Employees' Retirement Fund is pleased to submit its Annual Report for the fiscal year September 30, 2023.  The report was written to provide members and retirees with an overview of the Fund's administration as well as to highlight key financial, investment, and funding information.