Amalie Arena

Alcohol & Beverage (ABT) & Temporary Special Event Permits (Zoning)

Vendor and ABT applications need to be submitted to the City no later than February 3 at 5 pm

The state of Florida allows a bona fide non-profit civic organization to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on-premises for a period not to exceed 3 days for a single event.

  • Approvals shall not be granted for a period longer than three (3) consecutive days;
  • Approvals shall not be granted more than three (3) times in any one (1) calendar year to any one (1) organization;
  • Approvals shall be limited to on-premises consumption only, and only on land(s) that meet the following criteria:
    • Land(s) that are public right-of-way, contact staff for more details
    • Land(s) that maintain a non-residential zoning district *; or
    • Land(s) on which a legal conforming or legal nonconforming, non-residential use is located, on a zoning lot, within a residential zoning district

If any portion of the event is on property owned by the City of Tampa or within any right(s)-of-way owned and/or maintained by the city must obtain a certificate of insurance; permit application with backup documents will be routed to the Mayor’s office for approval.

Sales shall cease at 12:00 a.m. Please contact staff for additional information.

Permit Submittal Information

  1. Submit an online application in Accela.
  2. Application Types:
    1. Temp Special Event
    2. AB (Alcohol & Beverage) Special Use 1 (temp private property) – non-profit ONLY can apply for this permit type in accordance with the state of Florida requirement.
  3. Include on Site Plan:
    1. North Arrow, legend, scale, dimensions of the lot.
    2. Business hours of operation, if applicable.
    3. Location and dimensions of proposed parking and service areas, including typical parking space dimensions.
    4. Proposed circulation pattern, including access to adjacent streets and/or alleys.
    5. Location of any existing buildings, temporary buildings, tents, rest room facilities, stages, vehicles, and solid waste stations.
    6. The location where alcohol will be sold, served, stored, and/or consumed;
    7. Location of any fencing reflecting the location and width of all entrances and exits, along with required signage.
    8. Name, location, and width of all existing street and alley rights-of-way, within or adjacent to the site.
  4. Include with application documents:
    1. If you are utilizing off-site parking for the event, please provide signed leases reflecting the number of spaces available and the location of the off-site parking. Off-site parking must be within three miles if providing shuttle service. Compliance with Section 27-283.6 is required for non-shuttle serviced parking.
    2. Proof of Non-Profit Status: Either the statement from the Internal Revenue Service or the statement from the State of Florida showing the nonprofit status.
    3. Please coordinate with the Tampa Police Department at 813-276-3385 for Extra Duty officers and Tampa Fire Rescue/Fire Marshall's office at 274-7000 for a Fire Watch Officer and Tent Permits. Off-duty officers are required by Code and must be secured before LDC is able to sign the State of Florida application (alcohol permits only). If providing off-site parking, please contact Transportation at 274-3100.

Stage - Tent – Generator/Structural items will be routed to the Construction Services Center group (2nd permit application may be required). If tents or outdoor exhibits/displays are used, a site plan must be submitted to the division of land development coordination to demonstrate compliance with zoning setbacks.

Hosting an event in a vacant building selling alcohol requires an AB Special Use 1 - Temporary permit. Any transaction of money that goes towards drinking alcohol would be considered consideration by the State and require an alcoholic temporary special event (ABT). Any event with alcohol must meet the application requirements for an ABT; that is, they are a non-profit, no longer than 3 days, etc.