University of Tampa


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Viewing and managing revisions

Revision tab

Go to the Revisions tab to manage revisions. From the Revisions tab, you can view individual revisions, compare revisions, or revert to an earlier revision.

Compare revisions

Compare revisions

To see the differences between two revisions, select the revisions and click the Compare selected revisions button, which will take you to the Changes page

Visually compare revision

On the Changes page, the compare revisions feature displays the revision author and date of each revision. You can select how to view the revisions differences by selecting the layout and view mode, which are Visual Inline/Default or Teaser, Split fields/Raw or Strip Tags, and Unified fields/Raw or Strip Tags.


Visual Inline layout comparison

Visual Inline / Default or Teaser - visually compares the differences as you scroll down the changes page

Revision split layout comparison

Split fields / Raw or Strip Tags - displays the text differences in html (Raw) or plain text (Strip tags)

Unified Fields layout comparison

Unified fields / Raw or Strip Tags - displays the changes made (added or removed) in the last revision, but it does not compare the differences

Reverting to a previous revision

Revert to an earlier revision

The reverting mechanism allows you to set a previous earlier revision as current. Let's say you have revisions {1,2,current}. If you revert to revision #1, a copy of #1 is made and the copy is set as the current revision. 

Adding a revision message

Revision log message

The Revision log message field, which is in the Edit tab, allows you to add a message when you create a revision. The message will appear on the Revisions tab along with the revision. It is a good idea to add a meaningful message here whenever you create a node revision so that others (or you, months later) can see why you changed the node and what your changes were, without having to actually view the previous revision.