Tampa in Technicolor from Above

Equal Business Opportunity Advisory Committee (EBOAC)


Mission Statement:

To serve as a citizen advisory committee to:

  • Promote the participation and use of SLBE (Small Local Business Enterprises) and, when authorized by law, WMBE (Women & Minority Business Enterprises) businesses in City contracting and procurement.
  • Relay concerns of minority contractors, women contractors, non-minority contractors, and citizens at large to the City of Tampa about the operation of the Women/Minority and Small Business program.


  • Advisory Role: Advise Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) and City of Tampa Administration regarding issues/concerns that affect WMBEs and SLBEs in contracting and procurement opportunities.
  • Facilitation Role: Serve as facilitator for minority, women, and small businesses available for participation in the City’s procurement process where goals are established.
  • Communication Role: Maintain clear communication with WMBEs and SLBEs about procurement opportunities.
  • Reporting Role: Review all reports provided to City Council and include a statement within the EBO Manager’s annual report.
  • Meeting Frequency: EBOAC Committee shall meet at least quarterly.

Committee Composition:

  • Sixteen (16) Members: Nine (9) Mayoral appointments; Seven (7) City Council appointments.
  • Terms for initial appointments are staggered for continuity. All future appointments are for two (2) years, or twenty-four (24) months.
  • Appointments should represent a cross-section of contractors, service providers, and stakeholder organizations, as well as ethnicity and gender.

Metrics: Click Charts for More Details

Requirements for Appointment and Active Membership:

  • All appointees shall be residents of the City of Tampa or Hillsborough County.
  • Individuals interested in being appointed must have permanent, legal residency in Hillsborough County, State of Florida.
  • The positions are voluntary, and appointees serve on the EBOAC without compensation.
  • Any member of the Committee who misses two (2) consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings within a calendar year may lose his or her status as an advisory member.

How to Apply for EBOAC Positions:

Interested applicants can apply for open positions on the Equal Business Opportunity Advisory Committee (EBOAC) by visiting Tampa's Boards and Commissions page. To apply, please select the "Initial and Reappointment Online Form" link and follow the instructions provided.

City EBO Representatives:

Bertha M. Mitchell, EBO Manager

Ardail Allen, W/MBE Specialist

Contact Information:

Send Information Submittals to: EqualBusinessOpportunity@tampagov.net