Floribraska Ave (Tampa St to 9th St)

Primary Details


This project provides for multimodal and safety improvements including on-street bicycle lanes.

This project provides for reconfiguring the existing 4-lane undivided roadway to a complete street with two (2) 11-feet travel lanes, a two-way left turn center lane plus an on-road bicycle lane in each direction and enhanced crosswalks at the intersections of both Jefferson St. and Central Avenue.

The proposed improvements will reduce conflicts and sight obstruction hazards along the corridor making it safer for all users in accordance with the City’s Vision Zero initiative while maintaining the existing roadway’s level of service.

  • Improved bicycle connectivity with proposed dedicated on-road bicycle lanes with pavement messaging.
  • Green Colored Pavement in bicycle/motor vehicle conflict areas.
  • Center two-way left turn lane to queue vehicles outside the through lanes.
  • Special Emphasis Crosswalks with push button activated, Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons.
  • Brick pavers Pedestrian Refuge Islands with yellow paint and vertical tubular markers.
  • ADA pedestrian ramps.
  • Proposed pedestrian haven Islands to create Right-In/Right Out only on the southern legs of both N. Elmore Ave. and Taliaferro Ave.
  • Proposed bulb-out on the northwest corner of the northern leg of N. Elmore Ave.  Some Sidewalk segment additions.
Community Benefits

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Contact Info

Contact Name
Nina Mabilleau, E. I.
Contact Phone
Project ID
Department ID
Project Type
Project Phase
Construction Fiscal Year
Multi Year Project
Council District

Schedule and Costs

Project Phase
Current Phase: Procurement
Planned Start Date
Planned End Date
Funding Source
Multiple Funding
Estimated Cost
Funded Project
Funding Comments
Central East District Transportation Impact Fee Construction Fund & FDOT Local Agency Program (LAP)
Contract Number
Phase Firm Phase Cost Funding Source Scheduled Start Scheduled Finish
Design City / Stantec / Tony Monk $150,000 City of Tampa (CE Impact Fee) November 2019 February 2023
Construction TBD $664,000 FDOT (LAP) April 2024 July 2025
Construction TBD $1,549,390 City of Tampa (CE Impact Fee) April 2024 July 2025
Construction Inspection City $102,400 FDOT (LAP)+City CE Impact Fee April 2024 July 2025
Public Meeting - August 25th, 2020