Capital Improvement Projects

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Viewer

In Progress






Tampa invests millions of dollars into a variety of construction projects every year. These capital improvement projects include updating our streets for improved mobility, improving our storm drains to expanding our capacity to provide clean drinking water and collecting wastewater. Capital improvement projects can also include investments to build or rehabilitate buildings such as fire and police stations and recreational facilities. These critical, long-term investments help support our economic vitality and promote livable neighborhoods.

These projects can be in any one of a variety of stages—planning, design, procurement, construction and closeout—and vary in length of time from several months to several years. Regardless of their size or scope, these types of projects provide a tangible example of how we are Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow.

CIP Map Viewer

For the best experience, please view on a desktop computer.

Learn About Current and Upcoming Projects

The map data will be updated on a monthly basis or as the project phases change.

Capital Improvement Presentation (as of Jan. 26, 2023)

What you can do with the CIP Map Viewer:

  • Filter projects by various criteria:
    • Project type--Stormwater, Transportation, Wastewater, Water, etc.
    • Project phase--Planning, Design, Procurement, Construction or closeout
    • Construction fiscal year--the fiscal year when the project construction is projected to begin. Tampa's fiscal year runs from October 1-September 30.
    • Funding source--such as fees, taxes, grants, utility revenues, and more
    • Council district
    • Neighborhood
    • Community redevelopment area
  • View a list of projects in a specific area by zooming in on the interactive map.
  • Review project funding sources as well as total budgeted costs and actual expenditures.

Once you’ve selected a specific project, you’ll see more detailed information including:

  • A project description
  • What phase a project is in
  • Funding source as well as estimated costs 
  • The anticipated start and end dates of the project
  • The person to contact for more information

You’ll also be able to print a PDF version of the project fact sheet. Some projects have additional PDF attachments that provide street by street impacts explaining where the work will take place. For the best experience, please view this application from a desktop computer.

CIP Map Viewer How To Video

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a capital improvement project?

Capital improvement projects (CIPs) are critical, long-term investments that help support Tampa’s economic vitality and promote livable neighborhoods. There are many different types of CIP projects and they range from projects designed to update our streets for improved mobility, to improving our storm drains, to expanding our capacity to provide clean drinking water and collecting wastewater. Capital improvement projects can also include investments to build or rehabilitate buildings such as fire and police stations and recreational facilities.

Some projects will require years of planning and construction while others can be completed within a matter of months.

CIPs do not include minor improvements to or regular maintenance of facilities and infrastructure. These needs are usually funded through the annual operating budget.

There are a few ways to find projects around you!

  • You can filter projects by City Council District. This option appears in the blue, left-hand column. Information is available for Districts 4, 5, 6 and 7. (Districts 1-3 are citywide districts and as such are not assigned to CIP projects.)
  • You can also filter projects by neighborhood. This option appears in the blue, left-hand column. (You might need to scroll to the bottom of the page.) Click on the down arrow to access the list of neighborhoods.
  • The Map will show you any projects in your area that are in various stages (planning, design, procurement, construction or closeout) for the next several years. You can zoom in or out of an area using the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons located on the lower right-hand corner of the Map. Click and hold your mouse to pan around areas on the Map.

The Capital Improvement Program Viewer shows active projects for some of the City of Tampa Departments. The projects shown on this viewer have been approved and budgeted by the City Council.

Learn more about how we are working to ensure that the City of Tampa remains a great place to live, work and play:

  • Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow (T3): This initiative by Mayor Castor is designed to focus on key issues facing our city and find smart solutions to improve the quality of life for our community. It focuses on five key areas: transportation, development services, workforce development, housing affordability, and sustainability and resilience.
  • PIPES: PIPES, also known as the Progressive Infrastructure Plan to Ensure Sustainability, represents the largest public works initiative in the history of the City of Tampa. This 20-year, $2.9 billion funding plan for large-scale sewer and water infrastructure improvements, will renew, replace and upgrade water and wastewater treatment plants and pump stations, as well as the distribution and collection systems.

Key Terms


High-level summary of the project that may include the types of improvements included as part of the project.


A concise explanation that describes the value of the project and why it is important/critical.

Construction Fiscal Year

This is the year that the project construction is slated to begin. Tampa’s fiscal year runs from October 1 – September 30.

Project Phase

Indicates how far a project is in its progress toward completion. The following stages describe the current projects and programs displayed in the Capital Improvement Program Viewer:

  • Planning: The scope of the project is prepared and cost and construction dates are estimated.
  • Design: The project is being designed and funding sources are identified.  Real estate acquisition is also part of this phase.
  • Procurement: The project is advertised for bidding and consultants/contractors go through the City’s selection process; contracts are negotiated and executed.
  • Construction: This stage includes any permitting, if required, the entire construction period and final inspection and testing.
  • Closeout: During this stage final payments are made and the contract is closed. A project will stay in this phase until the warranty period has ended. Closeout can also refer to cancelled projects which is indicated by the closeout status “Cancelled”.

Project Cost

The amount of funding currently planned to be spent to fund a project through completion of all phases.


This person is the main point of contact for public inquiries about this project.

Project ID

Used for internal tracking. This number is the unique identification number for each program or project on the Capital Improvement Program Viewer application.

Updated: 02/16/2024