Tampa in Technicolor from Above

P3: Procurement

Consultant/Contractor Selection Process

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Est. Cost: $1,260,000Fund Source: PIPES

The treatment plant project will restore the plant’s reliability by replacing aging…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $115,000,000Fund Source: PIPES

The treatment plant project will restore the plant’s reliability by replacing aging…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $3,350,000Fund Source: PIPES

The treatment plant project will restore the plant’s reliability by replacing aging…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $31,750,000Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Est. Cost: $1,320,000Fund Source: PIPES

The new pumping station modifies the sewer collection system that serves the…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $1,460,000Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Council: 7Est. Cost: $1,150,000Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Est. Cost: $1,130,000Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Council: 7Est. Cost: $2,140,000Fund Source: PIPES

Final Contract Review & Approval

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $1,046,500Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $6,400,000Fund Source: PIPES

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Council: 5Est. Cost: $2,399,631Fund Source: Multiple Funding

Bike & Pedestrian Improvements

Council: 6Est. Cost: $313,000Fund Source: Multiple Funding

Bike & Pedestrian Improvements

Council: 6Est. Cost: $810,464Fund Source: Multiple Funding

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Est. Cost: $1,801,300Fund Source: PIPES

Right-of-Way Acquisition

Flooding Relief

Council: 7Est. Cost: $325,000Fund Source: Stormwater Improvement Fee

Project Startup

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new and larger…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $5,596,767Fund Source: PIPES

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new water mains,…

Council: 6Est. Cost: $7,827,102Fund Source: PIPES

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new and larger…

Council: 6Est. Cost: $4,912,885Fund Source: PIPES

The pumping station rehabilitation project will restore the station’s reliability by…

Council: 6Est. Cost: $2,167,000Fund Source: PIPES

Contract Negotiations

Flooding Relief

Council: 7Est. Cost: $75,000Fund Source: Stormwater Improvement Fee

This project is to design a new TECO House Building and new standby generators with…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $2,608,924Fund Source: PIPES