Tampa Skyline

Revenue And Finance

The Department of Revenue and Finance ensures the financial stability of the city by managing all financial functions in an efficient, cost-effective and responsive manner. The director oversees long range strategic financial planning and provides city departments and the public with timely and accurate financial information, while assuring clarity and accountability. To accomplish this, the primary functions of budgeting, grants management, accounting, investment, debt management, utility accounting and pension administration are divided among the director and two divisions - Accounting Office and the Budget Office.

Another function that falls under Revenue and Finance is administration of certain locally assessed taxes and fees, such as municipal public services tax and franchise fees.

FY2024 Social Action and Arts Fund (SAAF) S.M.A.R.T. Program

Thank you for your interest in receiving supplemental funding from the City of Tampa.  As the review process approaches October 1, 2023 and beyond, the City will consider your request based upon available funding within the Social Action and Arts Fund (SAAF) S.M.A.R.T. review process. 

In Fiscal Year 2024, we will be reviewing our supplemental funding to current and potential community partners on a quarterly basis using a grant-style approach of planning and reporting.  This review is in keeping with the Mayor’s goals of:

  • Adding strategic accountability,
  • Maintaining financial responsibility, and
  • Opening potential opportunities to new or additional nonprofit organizations.

This new process can be initiated by your organization and may offer opportunities for support.

Below is the link to the City’s SAAF S.M.A.R.T. Form.  Please note the 'achievable' aspect relates to the short-, mid-, and long-term objectives of the Fiscal Year 2024; the 'relevant' aspect relates to the mission and strategic plan of the City of Tampa;  and the 'time-bound' aspect relates to reporting outputs and outcomes quarterly for the next distribution of available funding. 

Please email the SAAF S.M.A.R.T. Form to Dennis.Rogero@tampagov.net, with a cc: to Lori.Hernandez@tampagov.net, if you would like to be considered.

Once again, thank you for your interest.

FY2024 Social Action and Arts Fund S.M.A.R.T. Form