
Welcome new City of Tampa e-Builder users

If you have any questions concerning access to or using the e-Builder software associated with a City of Tampa Capital Improvement Project,
please contact (813) 635-3400 or email ebuilder_cot_support@tampagov.net

e-Builder is a cloud-based construction program management solution for capital projects that provides performance data across the project lifecycle including water, sewer, roads, facility construction, parks, and other construction projects.  eBuilder will also be used for  electronic document submittal and approval. To achieve these goals, the City will use e-Builder’s integrated Planning, Cost, Documents, Processes, Forms, Schedule, Dashboards and Reporting modules.


Coming Soon!

  • "My Project" Quick Guide
  • "My Workflow" Quick Guide
  • "My Report" Quick Guide

New User Process

Send the following to eBuilder_COT_Support-O365@tampagov.net to add a user to e-Builder:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Contractor or Company Email
  4. Contractor or Company Address
  5. Awarded contract number

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