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Davis Islands Road Safety Improvements - Phase I & II now complete

This information is 2 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Mayor Jane Castor and the City of Tampa’s Mobility Department are proud to announce the completion of the first and second phases of safety improvements on Davis Islands, creating safer streets through new bike lanes and enhanced crosswalks. Road users will be able to expect lower speed limits, additional four-way stops, and more in the near future.

The Davis Islands Road Safety Improvements are being completed in three separate phases.  

Phase I is now complete and features: 

  • 5,150 linear feet of new bike lanes
  • New pavement markings for on-street parking
  • New pavement markings at a mid-block crosswalk to make it more visible to drivers and pedestrians 
  • Narrowing of lanes, which naturally encourages drivers to slow down

 “This is a great example of how the city is leveraging its maintenance projects to fulfill its Vision Zero goal,” Mayor Jane Castor said. “These safety improvements only add a fraction to the overall cost of the project, while providing huge safety benefits for our road’s most vulnerable users.”  

Phase II of safety improvements was very recently completed and has put several new upgrades into place, including: 

  • 2,800 linear feet of new bike lanes
  • Improved pavement markings, median markers, and delineators at critical locations throughout the Davis Blvd. Corridor
  • a raised crosswalk and pedestrian bulb-out approaching the Davis Islands bridge to reduce vehicle speeds through the crosswalk and make it more visible to pedestrians
  • Four Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) mid block crosswalks with refuge islands to increase pedestrian safety throughout the Davis Blvd. Corridor
  • Corner islands to Davis Blvd. and Bosphorous Ave. to naturally slow down drivers as they turn
  • Removal of the Eastbound left-turn lane from Baltic Circle onto Davis Blvd in order to prevent crashes 

The final phase of this project is expected to begin in the next few months and will finish the portion of Davis Boulevard that runs through the Village. 

Phase III is expected to feature: 

  • New four-way stops at intersections at Chesapeake Ave., Biscayne Ave., and Barbados Ave.
  • 22 new golf cart parking spaces
  • Five marked handicap parking spaces that will be connected to the Village sidewalks
  • A reduced speed limit to 15 miles per hour within the Village as well as narrowed travel lanes to discourage speeding
  • Updates to the intersection pedestrian crossings through the Village to meet current best practices and accessibility requirements
  • Two new bike racks
  • Upgraded pavement and improved drainage through the alley behind the westerly businesses between Biscayne Ave. and Barbados Ave

“We hope that drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists will feel more secure as they make their way around Davis Islands thanks to these safety improvements,” said Vik Bhide, City of Tampa Mobility Director. “We are confident that by adding proven measures to slow drivers down, this will help reduce the likelihood of serious crashes and injuries on our roads.” 
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

The City of Tampa believes that by embracing Vision Zero, we can help prevent tragedies on our roads by taking a proactive, safe system approach that prioritizes traffic safety as a public health issue.

Road safety projects, created with Vision Zero in mind, are in the planning phase, design phase, or under construction all across the City of Tampa. Vision Zero is just one part of Mayor Jane Castor’s Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow initiative. 

Davis Island Road Safety Improvements


Davis Island Road Safety Improvements

Additional Information:
Adam Smith
City of Tampa Marketing and Communications Director
mobile: 813-352-1795