With April showers on the horizon, and just months away from hurricane season, the City of Tampa is grateful to learn U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (FL-14) has secured nearly a million dollars in federal funding to go toward a South Tampa stormwater project.
On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, Mayor Jane Castor will join U.S. Representative Kathy Castor as she announces the $959,752 in federal funding that will help pay for a new stormwater pipe along a portion of South Manhattan Avenue. The highly urbanized residential area currently does not have a stormwater system and experiences frequent and dangerous street flooding.
The Manhattan Stormwater Project consists of a new stormwater pipe, just under a mile long, that will help drain water from the area faster to the basin. It is currently in the design phase and is estimated to cost approximately $11 million. Work is expected to start in late 2024 and be completed in spring 2026
Tampa Receives Federal Funding for South Tampa Flood Mitigation Project
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