TECO Streetcar at Dick Greco Plaza

City of Tampa Celebrating 1-Year Anniversary of FIX IT FAST

This information is 2 years 5 months old and may no longer be accurate.

Today, the City of Tampa will celebrate the one-year anniversary of FIX IT FAST, an initiative allowing residents to have repairs such as potholes made within 72-hours after filing a report. The FIX IT FAST Program focuses on delivering timely and quality repairs with a convenient customer experience and an easy reporting system.  
Under FIX IT FAST, residents can report: 

  • Traffic Signs (Stop Signs, Do Not Enter Signs, Yield Signs, No Parking Signs, Speed Limit Signs, etc.)  
  • Potholes (and other Minor Road Repairs )
  • Roadway and Sign Obstructions (debris, fallen tree limbs/branches, etc.)  

In the past year, the FIX IT FAST team has repaired more than 4,300 potholes with an average response time of 46 hours. Crews have also repaired 7,400 square feet of delaminations, which are like potholes, but not as deep. The average response time was around 47 hours. 

Additionally, City of Tampa FIX IT FAST Crews repaired 200 critical signs with an average response time of under an hour and a half. The target response time is two hours.  

In the past year, the FIX IT FAST team has repaired more than 4,300 potholes with an average response time of 46 hours.

Map of Completed FIX IT FAST Projects

“The goal of Fix It Fast is to create a single place for residents to be able to report something like a pothole or an obstructed sign,” said Jean Duncan, Administrator of Infrastructure and Mobility. “The City of Tampa repairs an average of 7,000 potholes a year and more than 1,100 miles of asphalt roads. We want to make sure we are as accessible and responsive as possible when repairs are needed.” 

“Making sure these fixes are finished in just days, or just a few hours of when a report is filed, is another way we're keeping City of Tampa roadways safe for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers,” Mayor Jane Castor said. "We have a lot of work to do to give Tampa the quality transportation network it deserves, but Fix It Fast has been an important tool for providing Tampa residents with high quality customer service and keeping our neighborhoods as hazard-free as possible.”

Customers are just a click or call away from a dedicated team of professionals, who are committed and understand the significance of the work required to ensure the success of FIX IT FAST. 

How to Report:

  • FIX IT FAST Web Portal: https://www.tampa.gov/fix  
  • The City of Tampa Call Center is also available 24-hours a day, seven days a week at 813-274-FAST (3278).   

The FIX IT FAST Program is just one part of Mayor Jane Castor’s Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow vision, where transportation and resiliency are key touchpoints. This includes finding ways to make our streets safer for all users and increasing options to walk, bike, or take transit in Tampa.