Ybor City

Digital Plan Review Overview


The City of Tampa’s Planning and Development Department has partnered with ePermitHub to launch the Digital Plan Room, a new electronic document review solution that is seamlessly integrated into the Accela Citizen Access Portal. This solution will introduce many new features to optimize the plan review process. The Digital Plan Room system includes:

  • Simple file uploads and automated versioning at the sheet level
  • Collaborative issue/condition communication for plan review comments
  • Seamless user experience within Accela Citizen Access
  • Immediate digital signature validation checks upon upload

Other highlights include:

  • Clients will now receive instant feedback when uploading their documentation whether their documents and plans meet the digital signature guidelines.
  • Interactive access to color coded mark-ups (by discipline), issues, and conditions from within Citizen Access for reviewing disapproved comments.
  • Submission of any corrections will only require revised sheets to be submitted.
  • The small Resubmit button will no longer be the method used to resubmit plans.

To utilize the new electronic plan review solution, please first log into your ACA account at aca.tampagov.net.