30th Street (Yukon St to Fowler Ave)

Primary Details


This project provides for complete street roadway improvements to enhance safety and multimodal connectivity, including roundabouts, sidewalks and trails, bicycle facilities, enhanced crosswalks, and other safety measures. Landscaping and green infrastructure components are also included.

This project provides for complete street roadway improvements to enhance safety and multimodal connectivity, including roundabouts, sidewalks and trails, bicycle facilities, enhanced crosswalks, and other safety measures. Landscaping and green infrastructure components are also included.

Enhanced multi-modal connections and safety improvements throughout the 30th St corridor from Yukon St to Fowler Ave were recommended in the MPO and City's Walk/Bike Plan, Phases I and II, and in the City’s Pavement Condition Assessment.  Possible improvements that the City is considering for the approximately 1.8-mile corridor include a roundabout at the intersection of Yukon St, enhanced pedestrian crosswalks near pedestrian attractors, intermittent landscaped medians, bicycle lanes, additional sidewalks, and trails, resurfaced roadways, landscaping, and resilient drainage infrastructure.

Currently, 30th St is a four‐lane divided minor arterial with a center two‐way left‐turn lane and railroad track crossing.  The posted speed is 45 MPH from Busch Boulevard to Fowler Avenue. The posted speed is 30 MPH on 30th Street south of Busch Boulevard, as that segment is a two-lane collector road with a school crossing. Several transit shelters/stops are located along 30th St. The proposed improvements will provide traffic calming to maintain safer speeds as well as provide enhanced bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along the corridor.  The objective of the improvements is to make travel safer for all users of the roadway in accordance with the City’s Vision Zero initiative.

Community Benefits

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Contact Info

Contact Name
Nina Mabilleau, E. I.
Contact Phone
Project ID
Department ID
Project Type
Project Phase
Construction Fiscal Year
Multi Year Project
Council District

Schedule and Costs

Project Phase
Current Phase: Closeout
Funding Source
Local Option Gas Tax
Estimated Cost
Funded Project
Budget Year
Phase Firm Phase Cost Funding Source Scheduled Start Scheduled Finish
Preliminary Design & Survey Cardno, Inc. $324,000 City of Tampa (Red Light Camera Safety) January 2020 January 2021
Final Design Cardno, Inc. $410,000 City of Tampa (Red Light Camera Safety) July 2021 April 2022
Land Acquisition 0 Yukon Segment only City ~$242,500 City of Tampa (Red Light Camera Safety) TBD TBD
Construction - Yukon to Busch TBD ~$1,079,765 TBD TBD TBD
Construction - Busch to Bougainvillea TBD ~$1,821,078 TBD TBD TBD
Construction - Bougainvillea to Fowler TBD ~$1,800,066 TBD TBD TBD
Aerial image of project site.

Aerial of the proposed lane improvements, north of Busch Boulevard, displaying reduced 11’ vehicle lane widths plus 5’ on-road bicycle lanes.

Virtual Public Meeting (Held: August 27th, 2021)