Bayshore Oak Sunrise

Vision Zero Process & Prioritization

Tampa uses a data-driven approach to allocate resources in places that need it most.

Through the Vision Zero Action Plan, the city identified the High Injury Network: the network of roads where the majority of a city’s deadly and life-altering injury crashes happen. The City is now using this network to focus efforts and prioritize investments on the most dangerous roads with two new initiatives:

  • Quick Build Program: Uses materials like paint, signs, and pavement markings to implement projects in a shorter time and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods.
  • Vision Zero Tech Team: A multi-disciplinary quick response team whose goal is to bring the City’s infrastructure into alignment with Safe System principles.

These tools help us to get the most out of the funding we have and accelerate our response to safety concerns in areas of acute need while we look for additional grant opportunities to expand our spending power. 

How are other projects prioritized?

The City completed the Tampa MOVES citywide mobility plan in recognition that transportation needs (1) are greater than current funding and (2) disproportionately impact certain communities. Tampa MOVES is a data-driven plan that identifies needs for improved pavement condition, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, congestion management, and transit supportive infrastructure. The plan prioritizes projects aligned with community goals to create safe transportation options for all. 

Mobility for All - Economic Opportunity - Vision for Strong Neighborhoods - Transportation Equity - Safety

How can you voice concerns?

Traffic Safety 

The City investigates every safety concern we receive. When a concern is reported, we look to see if the location is on the High Injury Network or has a history of crashes. The Vision Zero Tech Team prioritizes quick-response projects based on the crash data trends, addressing the most severe safety concerns first. 

Report a traffic safety concern.


Speeding is a citywide issue that the Mobility Department is working to address using a data-driven approach at priority locations. 

Tampa MOVES identified streets where the posted speed limits are higher than a street's target speed based on the surrounding context. The Mobility Department has also developed a Neighborhood Traffic Calming program, informed by the MOVES plan.  In general, speeding issues will be addressed using the Vision Zero Plan and Tama MOVES prioritization process.