Exterior of Twiggs Garage

How to Park in Tampa


Parking in an On-Street Space

  1. Find an open parking space designated for your intended use.

    • Standard vehicles should look for an open on-street space with a meter head, or overhead signage, identifying the parking zone.
    • Freight vehicles should look for designated Freight Zones identified by signage in the space.
    • Rideshare vehicles, and deliveries should look for short-term parking spaces. The City offers many 30-Minute and 15-Minute spaces for these purposes. These are designated by clear signage in the space.
  2. Pay for your parking session

    • Standard vehicles will need to use either an on-street pay station or one of the City four mobile payment apps to pay for their parking session. You will need your license plate number and the zone number from the meter head or overhead sign.
    • Freight vehicles do not need to interact with the app, but need to vacate the space in the timeframe indicated on the freight signage.
    • Rideshare and delivery vehicles also do not need to interact with a pay station or app, but must simply vacate the space in the timeframe indicated on the signage.
  3. Ready to leave? Just hop in your car and head on to your next destination. 


    We hope you have a great day and thank you parking with the City of Tampa.

Parking in a Frictionless Garage or Lot

  1. Enter the garage or lot. 

    • If the access gate opens for you automatically, you are in a frictionless facility. Keep following the steps below.
    • If you must push a button to take a ticket, you are in a standard facility and should follow the steps to the right.
  2. Find an available open parking space within the facility.

  3. On your way to your destination either stop and pay for your parking session at one of the pay stations located within the facility, or utilize one of the 4 mobile payment apps to pay for your parking session.

    • You will need your license plate number as well as the zone number for that facility that can be found on signage within the facility.
  4. Ready to leave the facility? Just hop in your car, and head to the exit. The gate will open automatically for you!


    We hope you enjoy your day and thank you for parking with the City of Tampa!

Parking in a Standard Lot or Garage

  1. Enter the garage or lot.

    • If the access gate opens atomically for you, use the steps to the left as you are in a frictionless facility.
    • If you must pull a ticket from a machine continue following the steps below.
  2. Press the "Take a Ticket" button on the machine. A ticket will be spit out next to the button.

  3. Pull the ticket out of the machine and the gate arm will go up for you to enter. Keep this ticket with you.

  4. Find an available parking space and head on to your destination.

  5. Ready to leave? As you return to the parking facility, locate a pay station to pay for your parking session.

    • You may also pay at the exit gate is using a card to pay.
  6. Return to your car and head to the exit. 

  7. At the exit gate, insert your payment ticket, or pay using a card, and the gate will go up allowing you to exit.


    We hope you have a great day! Thank you parking with the City of Tampa.