El Prado Blvd. Complete Streets & Sidewalks (Omar Ave to Lois Ave; Lois Ave to Bayshore Blvd)

Primary Details


This project provides for multimodal and safety improvements including bike lanes and sidewalks.

The 2.2-mile segment of W El Prado Blvd from S Omar Ave to S MacDill Ave is an existing four-lane divided Neighborhood Collector road with a posted speed of 30 mph and a 10-foot landscaped median. Its current Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) ranges from 4,200 to 8,900 vehicles per day. The quarter-mile segment of W El Prado Blvd from S MacDill Ave to Bayshore Blvd is a two-lane undivided Neighborhood Collector road with a posted speed of 30 mph with an AADT of 1,650 vehicles per day.

This complete streets project consists of repurposing one vehicular travel lane in each direction into a 6-foot wide bike lane with a 3-foot buffer. One 11-foot wide vehicular travel lane will remain in each direction. This project was identified and prioritized in the Walk-Bike Plan Phase II – Final Report (2012) prepared by the Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Tampa.

Vision Zero, is a strategy that seeks to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries nationwide while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. The City is committed to integrating Vision Zero into all projects and programs. This project will address all modes - especially walking and biking.  By integrating the existing trails and greenways system into the transportation network we can provide safe and convenient alternatives to driving a car.  The project will apply best practices and implement proven strategies to keep Tampa residents safe on our streets, sidewalks, and bikeways.  Best practices also include using low-cost solutions, such as mid-block crosswalks with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s), and signs and pavement markings to reduce motorist speeds on higher speed roadways.

This project is currently in the design phase. The City and its consultant will present design concepts to the public for their input. There are also programmed projects to install continuous sidewalks along the north side of W El Prado Blvd financed with federal Transportation Alternatives (TA) funds.

Community Benefits

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Contact Info

Contact Name
Jorge Uy, P. E.
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Project ID
Department ID
Project Type
Project Phase
Construction Fiscal Year
Multi Year Project
Council District

Schedule and Costs

Project Phase
Current Phase: Design
Funding Source
Multiple Funding
Estimated Cost
Funded Project
Budget Year

Public Meeting 

The City of Tampa Mobility Department held a Virtual Public Meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, @ 6:00 p.m., for Roadway Safety Improvements along El Prado Blvd. from Omar Ave. to Lois Ave.; Lois Ave. to Bayshore Blvd. The virtual public meeting can be accessed below.