Trust Fund Grant

The Interstate Historic Preservation Trust Fund Grant Program was established from the proceeds generated from the sale of historic buildings impacted by Interstate-4 and Interstate-275 expansions.Grant house The purpose of the Trust Fund Grant Program is to enable the owners of historic properties to preserve the character and structure of those historic properties by providing exterior preservation funds for eligible owners and projects. 

Accepting Applications at this time


The Interstate Historic Preservation Trust Fund GRANT program is currently Accepting applications. All applications must be submitted by March 26, 2025 3:00 p.m. to the Purchasing Department, City of Tampa,2555 E. Hanna Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33610.  For applications and documents, please visit the Trust Fund Program page. 

All documents are in a "PDF" format and can be viewed by using Acrobat Reader.  If you do not have Acrobat reader please install it first.

Applications and Forms

View the applications and forms page.

Eligibility Requirements

Funding is offered to eligible property owners in the National Register Historic Districts of  Ybor City, Tampa Heights and West Tampa.   The property must have been constructed more than seventy-five (75) years prior to the date of the application and must be the legal homestead of the applicant.  Furthermore, applicants' households must not exceed 140% of the Median Family Income for the area.  In addition to the Moderate Income Household limits, the applicant and their household must also exhibit that a financial need exists by demonstrating that the amount of ready assets possessed by the household is limited to $100,000.00.

National Historic District Maps

Tampa Heights National Historic District Map (PDF)
West Tampa National Historic District Map (PDF)
Ybor City National Historic District Map (PDF)

For additional information contact:

Dennis Fernandez, Manager
Architectural Review & Historic Preservation
Phone: (813) 274-3100, Option #3

Si usted necesita ayuda en español, llame a 813-274-3100.