Boats in Harbor

Architectural Review & Historic Preservation

Public Hearings for the Architectural Review Commission, Barrio Latino Commission, and Historic Preservation Commission will be held at:          


Old City Hall                    

315 E. Kennedy Boulevard
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor
Tampa, FL 33602

Please Note:  All interested parties and citizens may appear and be heard as to any and all matters pertinent to the application. Members of the public who do not wish to appear in person, may submit written comments by mail to the Architectural Review & Historic Preservation Offices, 2555 E. Hanna Ave., Tampa, FL 33610 or by email to All written comments must be received no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting in order to be distributed to the Commission members and be included in the official record of the meeting. To check the status of the public hearing please contact our office at (813) 274-3100, Option #3.

Architectural Review & Historic Preservation is part of the Development & Growth Management Department.       

Historic Preservation is responsible for maintaining the integrity of local historic districts, local historic landmarks, and preserving contributing structures by ensuring that any changes to these structures are implemented in a manner that is architecturally appropriate.  In addition, Historic Preservation provides stewardship for Tampa's historic buildings, sites, and recognition of individuals significant in the development of the community.  These efforts are accomplished through the Architectural Review Commission, the Barrio Latino Commission, and the Historic Preservation Commission.  Currently, there are four Local Historic Districts and 64 Local Historic Landmarks that have been designated and protected within the City of Tampa.

Tampa has been certified by the State of Florida as a local government that has met the criteria for administrating federal and state historic preservation programs.  One of the requirements for certification is that development within historic districts be reviewed by architectural boards/commissions.  The established boards are comprised of Architectural Review Commission  (ARC), Barrio Latino Commission (BLC), and the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).

See below for quick links to agendas, schedules and district maps:

Architectural Review Commission:

Barrio Latino Commission:

Historic Preservation Commission:

Interstate Historic Preservation Trust Fund:

Go to  Historic Preservation Designations  to view Tampa's (Districts, Local Landmarks, and Multiple Property Groups)

For further information on the above Commissions, Interstate Historic Preservation Trust Fund, and Historic Preservation Designations look under Information Resources in the left-hand column.


Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness for new construction, additions, exterior repairs can be submitted online and check on the status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at

For instructions on creating an application for Architectural Review Commission and Barrio Latino Commission, please follow this link