Police vehicles

Gasparilla Children's Parade Traffic Advisory

This information is 1 month old and may no longer be accurate.

ARRRGHHH Heavy Traffic Inbound!

Grab your eye patch and pirate hat, the Gasparilla Children's Parade sails down Bayshore Boulevard starting at 4:00 PM on Saturday, January 18th.

Transportation Options

The City's Mobility Department encourages event-goers to arrive early and consider using alternative transportation to get to and from the event, including parking in Ybor City and riding the TECO Streetcar. Downtown Partnership's DASH service will also be available for the Children's Parade, as well as HART buses - and as of this month - Route 1 is free.

Importantly, users of rented scooters need to be aware of the No-Ride Zones that extend a few blocks out from the parade route. View the No-Ride Zones here: https://www.tampa.gov/document/childrens-gasparilla-escooter-ebike-no-ride-zones-134786

During the Children’s Gasparilla Parade, the Jolley Roger Trolley will run on a continuous loop, picking up and dropping off attendees at the intersections of both Platt St. and Bayshore Blvd., as well as Bay-to-Bay Blvd. and Bayshore Blvd. It will operate from 11:30 A.M. – 8:30 P.M. This service is free.

Most City garages will be open with free bike parking inside. View the options here: https://www.tampa.gov/document/gasparilla-parking-information-childrens-parade-113206

Please note, the City of Tampa also has an online, interactive neighborhood parking map available which highlights neighborhood parking restrictions. View it here: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/collections/c36636cfcabf47edb27fe8813931e846

Road Closures

  • Beginning at 8 PM on Friday, January 17th, Bayshore Blvd. northbound/southbound will close from Gandy Blvd. to Platt St. /Channelside Dr. 
  • The Davis Island Bridge off ramp onto Bayshore Blvd. northbound will also close. 
  • Bay to Bay Blvd. from Ysabella Ave. to Bayshore Blvd. will also close. 
  • By 9AM Saturday, one eastbound lane and one westbound lane on Bay-to-Bay Blvd. from MacDill Ave. to Ysabella Ave. will be closed to allow for a pedestrian walkway. 
  • By 3PM Saturday, eastbound Bay-to-Bay Blvd. will close at MacDill Ave. 
    For the latest road closures visit: tampa.gov/road-closures


We encourage all Gasparilla attendees to use extra caution in and around the parade area due to the high volume of pedestrians.

This is an alcohol-free event.

Have fun, and if you see something, say something. Do not hesitate to text or call 911.

To view the City of Tampa's Gasparilla Hub, visit: tampa.gov/gasparilla