Tampa from the Porch at the University of Tampa

City of Tampa Activates Variable Message Boards with COVID-19 Safety Messages on Major Roadways

This information is 4 years 2 months old and may no longer be accurate.

As cases of COVID-19 continue to rise across our state and community, the City of Tampa is taking additional measures to remind the public to practice COVID-19 safety.

Variable Message Boards have been activated on major roadways across the City, including Bayshore Blvd, 7th Avenue, Doyle Carlton Dr and 22nd street, with messages about wearing a mask, testing info, avoiding crowds, washing hands and more.

“We know there is message fatigue and folks are tired of wearing a mask and staying apart--but the fact remains that your life and the lives of others in our community is too important to give up now,” says Mayor Jane Castor. “These variable message boards are just one more way we are working to reach residents and get that message directly to them. Hopefully, wherever they’re heading they remember to wear a mask, avoid crowds and stay safe.”

The Variable Message Boards are part of a robust COVID-19 communication strategy from the City of Tampa to help keep residents safe. Other types of outreach have included the distribution of free face coverings, social media campaigns, video PSAs, live interviews with local health experts, signage across the city, text alerts, webinars and more. 

The City of Tampa would like to remind the public to continue practicing COVID-19 safety, especially as the holidays approach: wear a mask, avoid large gatherings, keep 6ft distance, wash your hands, avoid non-essential travel and get tested if you are ill or suspect you may have been exposed.

For more information about COVID-19 safety and local resources, visit tampagov.net/COVID-19

Map showing message board loations