News & Public Notices
City of Tampa is Doubling its Paving CapacityThe City of Tampa is excited to announce the acquisition of a brand-new paving machine that, along with eight new hires, effectively doubles the City's in…
Tampa Honors Legacy of Dr. Walter L. Smith with Street Renaming CeremonyThe City of Tampa will hold a ceremony to rename a portion of N. Albany Avenue in honor of the late Dr. Walter L. Smith, a…
TAMPA, FL. (September 13, 2024) -- On Friday, September 13, 2024, the Tampa Police Department charged 35-year-old Estaban Del Valle with Written or Electronic Threat to Conduct a Mass Shooting or Act…
TAMPA, FL. (September 12, 2024) -- Just after noon, the Tampa Police School Resource Officer (SRO) assigned to Blake High School, located at 1701 N. Boulevard, arrested 15-year-old Antwan Colding (…
The Tampa Water Department will temporarily change its disinfection process from Monday, September 16 through Monday, October 7. This is part of routine maintenance to preserve the quality of our…
TAMPA, FL. (September 10, 2024) -- At 10:19 am, the Tampa Police Department are currently working to resolve a barricaded subject call in the 3300 block of W. Arch St.Officers responded when a…
The Training Division within Tampa Fire Rescue is responsible for the planning, administration, and record keeping of ongoing training for the department. The report in its entirety can be viewed on…
The City of Tampa (City) established a Job Order Contracting program to facilitate the repair and rehabilitation of City facilities and infrastructure. The report in its entirety can viewed on…
TAMPA, FL. (September 6, 2024) --Tampa Police Detectives have successfully completed a lengthy investigation and shut down a main source of narcotics supply in the Sulphur Springs area and along the…
The City of Tampa Launches Two-Year Project to Update the City’s Land Development CodeIn an effort to create an improved Land Development Code that is more user-friendly and meets the needs of our…
Tampa Fire Rescue is excited to participate in Fire Prevention Week 2024, running from October 6-12. This year's theme, "Smoke Alarms: Make them work for you," emphasizes the importance of having…
The City of Tampa is pleased to announce the resumption of normal operating hours at its McKay Bay Waste Disposal Complex and Scale House located at 114 South 34th Street Tampa, FL 33605.Beginning…
Tampa teens wanting to give back to their community and looking for a glimpse into the workings of City Hall are invited to apply for seats on the Class of 2025 Mayor’s Youth Corps.The Mayor’s Youth…
TAMPA, FL. (September 3, 2024) -- The Tampa Police Department stepped up traffic enforcement efforts over the extended Labor Day weekend, with a particular focus on the Courtney Campbell Causeway.…
The City of Tampa is taking significant steps to modernize its stormwater infrastructure, addressing the growing challenge of managing localized flooding in our coastal, low-lying area.A recent storm…
The City of Tampa is proud to unveil its first Eco-Counter display at the corner of North Boulevard and West Cass Street. What is an Eco-Counter? It’s a high-visibility, digital unit that uses camera…
The City of Tampa offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day.The revised collection schedule is as follows:Residential Customers who normally receive service on…
State water officials have extended the once-a-week watering restrictions, just weeks after the Tampa Water Department, with the support of the Tampa City Council, decided to make them permanent.The…
City of Tampa provides drinking water and wastewater services to customers located within the city limits, and parts of unincorporated Hillsborough County and Temple Terrace. The report in its…
On August 24, 2024, at approximately 12:00 p.m., officers responded to the 1900 block of Meadowbrook Ave in reference to an aggravated assault that occurred between two adult women. Based on the…
The City of Tampa is proud to celebrate the second anniversary of the Litter Skimmer, an essential asset in the city's ongoing efforts to keep its waterways clean. Since its launch, the Litter…
Mayor Jane Castor and representatives from the City of Tampa's Sister City Barranquilla, Colombia celebrated their longstanding relationship Friday, as Castor proclaimed August 23, "Barranquilla,…
TAMPA, FL. (August 22, 2024) -- Tampa Police detectives continue to investigate an armed robbery that occurred at the Little Caesars Pizza located at 6932 N Armenia Ave. just before 7:30 pm on Sunday…
A new affordable housing development has begun interviewing potential residents for an apartment complex made possible by a partnership between the City of Tampa and Tampa-based developer, Blue Sky…
The new Housing Rehabilitation and Renovation Program will assist those within the Community Redevelopment Areas, or CRA's.The City of Tampa's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has announced new…
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