News & Public Notices
The City of Tampa is working around the clock to prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Milton, including continuous debris collection in the wake of Hurricane Helene.City officials are urging…
TAMPA, FL. (October 8, 2024) -- In light of the impending effects of Hurricane Milton, the Tampa Police Department Memorial Committee has made the decision to postpone the 30th Annual Tampa Police…
The Tampa Convention Center is closed Tuesday, October 8 and Wednesday, October 9 based on the anticipated risk of Hurricane Milton. Determinations will be made regarding Thursday, October 10. The…
The City of Tampa Solid Waste Department is doing everything possible to provide storm debris pick-up service for the most impacted areas from Hurricane Helene. Regular scheduled residential trash…
FEMA Administrator Meets with Mayor CastorFEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell is visiting Tampa and meeting with Mayor Jane Castor as the city and region prepares for Hurricane Milton.Mayor Castor…
TAMPA, FL. (October 7, 2024) -- On October 1, 2024, Tampa Police arrested 26-year-old Tyree Newsome (black male, 2/12/1998) in connection with the homicide of a 19-year-old male that occurred on…
The City of Tampa Department of Solid Waste will be revising services in preparation for Hurricane Milton.The revised schedule is as follows:Residential collection: Garbage and recycling…
As Tropical Storm Milton approaches from the Gulf, the City of Tampa is offering free garage parking to all residents in low-lying, flood-prone areas, particularly electric vehicle (EV) owners.…
Self-service sandbag sites will be open again on Sunday, October 6, from 7 AM to 7 PM at two Parks & Recreation facilities in the City of Tampa.According to the National Weather Service, heavy…
The City of Tampa Solid Waste Department will continue to run collection services ahead of Hurricane Milton.Garbage and recycling collection will continue Monday, October 7, 2024. SWEEP and Yard…
In preparation for the potential impact of Tropical Storm Milton, the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department will close all facilities and suspend programming starting Monday, October 7, to…
Ahead of Tropical Storm Milton, the City of Tampa Solid Waste Department will extend hours of operation at the McKay Bay Transfer Station, allowing residents more opportunities to dispose of debris…
In response to the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene, the City of Tampa is providing Uber ride vouchers to help residents access vital resources at city-designated Comfort Stations.The Tampa…
Tropical Storm Milton Forms with Florida's Gulf Coast in its PathAhead of inclement weather and approaching Tropical Storm Milton, Hillsborough County and the City of Tampa will close its Comfort…
Tampa residents and business owners should apply for FEMA assistance as soon as possible.Homeowners and renters in Hillsborough County, and other surrounding counties, are eligible to apply for…
Ahead of this weekend’s severe weather predictions, the City of Tampa will be opening sandbag sites.Sandbag SitesOn Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., the following two sandbag…
TAMPA, FL. (October 02, 2024)- In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, residents in Tampa are working diligently to recover from the storm's impacts. To ensure the safety and security of affected…
Beginning Thursday, October 3, the City of Tampa will open a third comfort station to provide essential services for residents affected by Hurricane Helene. The new comfort station will be located at…
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the City of Tampa understands that many properties sustained damage, and its Construction Services team will be at multiple sites to accommodate citizen…
TAMPA, FL. (October 1, 2024) -- The Tampa Police Department is proud to announce the establishment of the Chief’s Advisory Panel, a community-driven initiative designed to enhance transparency,…
TAMPA, FL. (October 1, 2024) -- The Tampa Police Department is proud to announce its participation in a statewide safety campaign aimed at reducing the number of serious injury and fatal traffic…
With post-storm recovery efforts in full swing, the City of Tampa, in partnership with Hillsborough County and the Florida Department of Emergency Management, has activated two Comfort Stations to…
To help alleviate some of the post-storm stress, the City of Tampa will be offering laundry assistance to residents affected by Hurricane Helene.On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, a Wash Zone will be…
TAMPA, FL. (September 30, 2024)- In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, our community is beginning the lengthy recovery process. Eleven Tampa Police officers and their families were displaced from…
As Tampa continues to recover from the impacts of Hurricane Helene, the City of Tampa will reopen its emergency call center today, September 30, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and tomorrow, October 1, from…
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