Jose Gaspar Ship

Transportation and Stormwater Services

Transportation and Stormwater Services

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

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The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

About Transportation /mobility/transportation/about

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Design Exceptions /mobility/transportation/design-exceptions

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Information

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Complete Streets & Safety Improvement Projects /mobility/transportation/projects/complete-streets

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Road Classification Map /mobility/transportation/maps/road-classification

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Bike Routes

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Contact Us - Mobility Department /mobility/stormwater/contact-us

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Transportation Maps /mobility/transportation/maps

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Fix it Fast /fix

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

TECO Line Streetcar /mobility/transportation/streetcar

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Miscellaneous Capital Improvement Completed Projects /mobility/stormwater/programs/misc-projects

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Traffic Counts Report /tss-transportation/info/traffic-counts

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Project Management /tss-transportation/programs/project-management

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Complete Streets /tss-transportation/programs/complete-streets

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

About Us - Mobility Department /tss-about-us

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Transportation Information Resources /mobility/transportation/information-resources

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Transportation and Stormwater Operations Division /tss-about-us/operations

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Neighborhood Sign Program /tss-transportation/programs/neighborhood-sign-program

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Primary Control Network Survey Data /tss-transportation/primary-control-network-survey-data

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Smart Mobility /tss-transportation/programs/traffic-management-center

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Traffic Studies and Safety Section /tss-transportation/programs/traffic-studies-and-safety-section

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Stormwater Engineering Division /tss-about-us/stormwater

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Painted Intersections /tss-transportation/programs/painted-intersections

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Traffic Signal Timings /tss-transportation/info/signal-timings

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Intersection of Innovation /intersection

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

FAQ'S /tss/faq

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Surveying /tss-transportation/programs/surveying

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Bridge Operations /mobility/transportation/bridge-operations

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Traffic Signals and Signs /tss-transportation/programs/traffic-signals

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Harbour Island Complete Streets /tss-transportation/info/projects/completed/hicompletestreets

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Sidewalks Program /tss-transportation/programs/sidewalks

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Transportation Programs & Services /mobility/transportation/programs-and-services

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Central Files (Production and Design Support) /mobility/transportation/central-files

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Potholes and Street Repairs /tss-transportation/programs/street-repairs

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Traffic Investigations /tss-transportation/programs/traffic-studies


The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Lamb Canal FAQs /document/lamb-canal-faqs-127481

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Hyde Park Groundwater Diversion Project - Construction Update /document/hyde-park-groundwater-diversion-project-construction-update-129281

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Hyde Park Groundwater Diversion Project - Project Description /document/hyde-park-groundwater-diversion-project-project-description-129291

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Lamb Canal Fact Sheet /document/lamb-canal-fact-sheet-127476

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Construction Plans /document/construction-plans-127061

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Stormwater Standard Details /document/stormwater-standard-details-25946

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Multi-Modal Impact Fee Ordinance 2015-81 /document/multi-modal-impact-fee-ordinance-2015-81-26176

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Public Notice /document/public-notice-29941

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Stormwater Flood Brochure /document/stormwater-flood-brochure-25971

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Capital Improvement Project Sheets /document/capital-improvement-project-sheets-116261

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Capital Improvement Update presentation /document/capital-improvement-update-presentation-115531

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

Stormwater Utility Funding Frequently Asked Questions (2022) /document/stormwater-utility-funding-frequently-asked-questions-2022-26016

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

30th Street Project Fact Sheet /document/30th-street-project-fact-sheet-65896

The Transportation and Stormwater Services Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and building the City of Tampa’s stormwater and transportation infrastructure.

30th Street Project Fact Sheet /document/30th-street-project-fact-sheet-66046