Aerial of Riverfont Park

Sidewalks Program

The City of Tampa Department of Transportation and Stormwater Services maintains a sidewalk network that is more than 825 linear miles long.  The Sidewalk Construction & Restoration Program consists of capital improvement sidewalk projects as well as the maintenance and restoration of the existing network.

Requests for sidewalk repairs and restoration and for new sidewalks can be submitted via our Call Center at 813-274-3101.

Requests for sidewalk repairs and restoration may also be submitted via the Customer Service Center - Sidewalk Damage Request (Repair) webpage.  Due to extensive repair requests backlogs, it is not possible to provide an estimated date of completion for open repair requests at this time.

New sidewalks requests can also be submitted through the Customer Service Center - Sidewalk Installation Request (New) webpage.

New Sidewalk Construction

All new sidewalk construction projects, also known as capital improvements, are prioritized and selected for inclusion in the long-term work program based on criteria such as documented safety needs, ADA issues, and proximity to schools and transit facilities. Upcoming sidewalk projects can be found on the City’s Capital Improvement Viewer.

The City has developed a data-driven process to prioritize sidewalk projects that maximizes the benefit to the existing network and aligns with the Guiding Principles identified in the Citywide Mobility Plan, Tampa MOVES. All existing sidewalk gaps are evaluated based on these guiding principles which help to transform Tampa’s transportation network into a well-connected and safe mobility system for all.

Guiding Principles
Evaluation Criteria
Mobility For All
  • Prioritize regional routes
  • Connect to existing sidewalk
Economic Opportunity
  • Proximity to transit
Vision for Strong Neighborhoods
  • Proximity to schools
  • Proximity to daily needs(e.g. grocery)
Transportation Equity
  • Located within a Community of Concern*
  • ADA Compliance
Public Safety
  • Prioritize high speed roads
  • City of Tampa Vision Zero corridor

 This evaluation, combined with community engagement, will inform which sidewalk gaps and new sidewalk segments the city completes first.

* The Hillsborough MPO defines a Community of Concern as any black group at least one standard deviation above the median in two or more of the following characteristics: minority population, elderly population, limited English proficiency population, disability, zero vehicle households, low income or youth.


The average cost to construct new sidewalks is about $750,000 per mile which includes engineering design, survey, and construction. The City has approximately 1,300 miles of identified sidewalk gaps – so to build sidewalks on both sides of every street in the City would cost $975 Million, and that doesn’t include ongoing maintenance needs. 

Sidewalk funding comes primarily from the Local Option Gas Tax, also known as “LOGT” which is a fixed amount of money per gallon of gas sold in Tampa.  Sidewalk funding also comes from in-lieu fees, or funds paid by developers who are exempted from constructing sidewalks, multi-modal impact fees, or a one-time fee collected on new construction. As of 2022, the City is able to construct approximately one mile of new sidewalk per year given the current budget and backlog of sidewalk maintenance needs. 


  • Currently, maintain approximately 800 miles of sidewalk
  • 1,300 miles of identified gaps for new sidewalks
  • $750,000 average cost/mile for new sidewalk construction including:
    • Engineering Design
    • Survey
    • Construction


School icon


Multimodal Impact Fees:

A multimodal Impact Fee is a one-time fee collected on new construction to pay for the roads and sidewalks needed by the new residents or businesses.

Approximately $80,000 per year Citywide, and funds must be expended within the Multimodal Impact Fee District with which it is collected.

Sidewalk In-Lieu Fees:

Sidewalk funding also comes from in-lieu fees, or funds paid by developers who are exempted from constructing new sidewalks

Local Option Gas Tax:

Sidewalk funding comes primarily from Local Option Gas Tax, also known as "LOGT" which is a fixed amount of money per gallon of gas sold in Tampa

Contact Information:

Mobility Department
306 E. Jackson Street, 6E
Tampa, Florida 33602
(813) 274-3101