Inappropriate Contact
You need to know how to recognize and protect yourself against contact with cyber-bullies, hackers, phishers, and predators. People are not always who they say they are. Learn how to keep away from Internet strangers: the Internet is a place to enhance existing relationships, not a place to meet new people.
Inappropriate Content
This includes both content that is viewed and content that is uploaded by kids. You must understand and tell your friends that the Internet is forever: everything they post online is tracked and stored and will follow them to future job interviews and college entrance interviews.
Inappropriate Conduct
Because the web environment can feel anonymous, some youth become dis-inhibited. Remember that the Internet is a public forum: anonymity is a myth. Try to be the good person online that you are when you are off line.

"Never write down anything you do not want the whole world to know."
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center.