Boats in Harbor

Frequently Asked Questions

Tampa Forward: Building Tomorrow Together FAQs

The Land Development Code (LDC) is the adopted law of the City that regulates land use, growth, and development. It divides the City into different zoning districts that are applied in different geographic areas of the City. The geographic area where each zoning district applies is identified on the City’s Official Zoning Map.

Within each zoning district, the regulations allow specific types of uses (for example, single-family homes) and establish the permitted location and size of development. They include

standards such as maximum height, the minimum distance a building must be setback from the front of the lot, and maximum size of secondary buildings. Some districts (such as Seminole Heights) include much more detailed standards that govern the form of buildings and relationship with streets and other public spaces.

The LDC also includes general development standards that apply to most or all development in the City, such as the amount of required parking, the maximum height of fences, and requirements for landscaping and signage. Finally, the LDC also includes provisions that establish the procedures for how development proposals are reviewed and approved or denied—for example, the process for applying for a zoning map amendment (rezoning) or a design exception.

A link to the LDC can be found on the  Document and Work Products.

The City’s LDC has not been comprehensively updated in nearly 40 years. Since then, it has received numerous amendments to add new zoning districts, update development standards, accommodate changes to the City’s land use vision, and reflect changes in state law, but these have been incorporated in a piecemeal fashion. The result is an LDC that is poorly organized and difficult to use and contains numerous internal inconsistencies. The LDC lacks features common to modern land development codes such as a logical organization, illustrative graphics and other imagery, clear and precise language, straightforward development review and approval processes, and zoning districts that better support the City’s development goals.

Yes. We want to hear from you! Extensive public engagement is a key element of Tampa Forward and will take place at key milestones throughout the project. Please take our survey here. There will be many in-person and online opportunities to provide feedback. All opportunities to engage in the project will be announced on this website and through the City’s other communication channels.

Imagine 2040: Tampa Comprehensive Plan is designed to shape the City’s future for generations to come. It is the City’s currently adopted comprehensive land use plan; it was adopted in 2016 and last amended in January 2024. Live Grow Thrive 2045 is the ongoing update to Imagine 2040. It is anticipated to be completed in 2025.

The Official Zoning Map is the map maintained by the City that identifies where each zoning district listed in the LDC is applied within the City. The City maintains both static (printable PDF) and interactive versions of the Official Zoning Map that are linked from Document and Work Products.

The Document and Work Products page of this website will be updated regularly to include links to all documents produced as part of this project, as well as supporting information.

The update process is expected to take approximately 26 months to complete.

This project website is the central location for information about the project and to review work products as they are made available. It will be maintained and updated throughout the project. Individuals can sign up on the project email list to stay updated on meetings and major announcements.

Tampa Forward is being led by the City’s Department of Development and Growth Management, with assistance from a consultant team led by Clarion Associates.

Updated: 10/01/2024