Tampa Convention Center Gasparilla

8 Can't Wait

The City of Tampa and the Tampa Police Department condemn police brutality in any and all forms.

The #8CantWait initiative by Campaign Zero outlined eight policies that serve to decrease police violence & improve the safety of all citizens.

The Tampa Police Department is proud to be a longstanding leader in the implementation of safe and fair policies, procedures, and practices. We worked with representatives of Campaign Zero to ensure the #8CantWait website accurately portrays the existing Tampa Police Department policies and procedures are consistent with their suggested policies, while making modification to wording and incorporating established training documentation to afford a higher level of transparency.

The City of Tampa and Tampa Police Department are committed to accountability, transparency, and working with the community to build a city that is equitable and inclusive for all. Policies referenced by the #8CantWait campaign are readily available for review below.


Ban Choke Icon

Ban Chokeholds & Strangleholds

Chokeholds and strangleholds are prohibited by Standard Operating Procedure 538, § III (F) and SOP 538 § II (K) defines Chokeholds as any techniques using arms or legs to retrain individuals in a manner that substantively restricts breathing or simultaneously occludes both carotid blood vessels.  Response to Resistance procedure.



Require De-escalation 

Tampa Police Department trains its officers in De-escalation techniques. The course is De-escalation/Intervention & Decision-making Scenario Training, and officers have to demonstrate the ability to de-escalate their level of force as necessary.TPD further defined “de-escalation” under SOP 538 II.B.



Require Warning Before Shooting


SOP 537 Section V, B(8) affirmatively requires, to the extent practical, that an officer provide verbal warning or direction before using deadly force.

Department policy mandates that all police shootings are investigated and the procedure involves investigation by the FDLE. 



Requires Exhaust All Alternatives Before Shooting

SOP 537, section IV, B3 affirmatively requires an officer to exhaust reasonable alternative before using deadly force.



Duty to Intervene

MOR 1823 affirmatively imposes a duty on an officer to intervene in the use of excessive force. 

Additionally, the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution imposes a duty on an officer to intervene in the use of excessive force when the officer knows excessive force is being used and is in a position to stop it.  The failure to intervene can subject an officer to civil liability.

Also see: SOP 538 Response to Resistance; SOP 536 Professional Responsibility and Philosophy of Enforcement.




Ban Shooting at Moving Vehicles

Since 2014, SOP 537, Section V B(3) has prohibited shooting at moving vehicles and Legal Bulletin 2014-16 was distributed to officers to advise them of the change in policy and explain the reasons for the policy change which included prevention of unnecessary exposure to shooting situation.  




Require Use of Force Continuum

SOP 538 Response to Resistance III(D)1-4 describes the Use of Force Continuum.



Require Comprehensive Reporting

MOR 1602 Response to Resistance, MOR 1603 Reporting Response to Resistance, SOP 538 Response to Resistance all require comprehensive reporting.   


SOP 651.1 Early Intervention Program: The Tampa Police Department Early Intervention Program (EIP) has been established to provide a systematic review of performance indicators. This data will be disseminated to the appropriate supervisor who will review each incident, individually and collectively, meet with the identified employee, and submit a summary of their findings through their chain of command to the Professional Standards Bureau. 


Updated: 01/02/2025