Party Deck Sunset Wide

Tampa Bay History Center


Decade of Change: the 1920s
Tampa Bay History Center - 801 Water Street


1924: Life in Tampa’s Scrub Community
Wednesday, July 17th - 5:30 p.m.

Tampa’s Black History Museum - 1213 Central Avenue

Fred Hearns, Curator of Black History for the Tampa Bay History Center, and Ashley Morrow, Program Manager for Tampa’s Black History Museum, will offer an insightful glimpse into the lives of Black residents in one of Tampa’s oldest communities 100 years ago. This program is free, refreshments will be available, and registration is not required.

Objects from the Archives from 1924

Thursday, July 18th - 11:00 a.m.

Tampa Bay History Center - 801 Water Street

Rodney Kite-Powell, Director of the Touchton Map Library, and Heather Culligan, Curator of Collections, will use maps and artifacts from the Tampa Bay History Center’s collection that offer a glimpse into Tampa life in 1924. The program is free but limited to 20 guests. Register:

Decade of Change

Friday, July 19th - 2:00 p.m.

Tampa Bay History Center - 801 Water Street

Join this lively tour of the History Center’s Wayne Thomas Gallery with docent Jim Dinsmore. The program is free but limited to 20 guests. Register: