Tampa Theatre

City Council Information Resources


Council and CRA Meetings

All Council meetings are open to the public. Additional meetings may be scheduled by Council or by the CRA.

  • Council Regular sessions are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 9:00 a.m.
  • CRA regular sessions are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
  • Council Zoning sessions are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
  • Council Workshop session is held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

CTTV Viewings

Regular Meetings:  (LIVE) Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. (REPLAYED) Thursdays at 6:00 p.m., Saturdays at1:00 p.m., Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. and Thursday through Monday nights at midnight.

Evening Meetings:  (REPLAYED) Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and Tuesday and Wednesday nights at midnight.

CTTV is located on Channel 615 [Bright House Networks] and on Channel 15 [Verizon].

Agenda Availability

Council and CRA draft/final/action agendas are prepared for each Council and CRA meeting and are available to the public in the Office of the City Clerk and are also available online..

  • Council Draft agendas for the regular sessions held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month are available at 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the regular session.
  • CRA Draft Agenda for the regular session held on the 2nd Thursday of each month are available at 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the regular session.
  • Draft agendas for the evening sessions held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month are available at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, eight working days prior to the meeting.
  • The Draft Agenda for the workshop session held on the 4th Thursday of each month are available at 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the regular session.

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Public Comment For Regular Sessions of Council

Pursuant to Rule 3(B)(5) of Council's Rules of Procedure, thirty (30) minutes shall be allotted for Public Comment at the regular sessions of Council, with each person permitted to speak on any matters not scheduled for a public hearing. Preference shall be given to speakers wishing to address items on the agenda. Those speakers remaining after the allotted time shall have the opportunity to address the City Council at the end of the meeting.

Members of the public may address Council for three (3) minutes regarding any matter not scheduled for a public hearing during the Public Comment section on the agenda for the regular sessions of the Council. The speaker shall first identify the item and restrict all comments to matters relevant to that item.  Comments not relevant shall be ruled out of order by the Chair and continued irrelevant comments shall result in the speaker being denied further audience time.  The public may also address Council for three (3) minutes regarding any matter during the General Public Comment section at the end of the regular session of the Council.  When addressing Council, state your name and address.  Please observe the time limit.

The Chair shall rule out of order any member of the public who shall speak out of order or who shall not address the Council from the podium or other established speaker area.  The Chairman shall also rule out of order any person who, in the Chair's determination, is making obscene, profane, impertinent, irrelevant, immaterial inflammatory statements or inciting violence or fighting.

No member of the audience shall, during a Council Meeting, make or cause to be made any audible or disruptive sound or noise.

All persons shall at all times conduct themselves in accordance with these rules and failing such shall be removed from the Council Chamber. In the event of such removal, such person shall not thereafter be readmitted to the Council Chamber or the Council Lobby during the same meeting. 

Public Hearing Speaker's Waiver Form

Only during public hearings, individuals in the audience may designate a spokesperson to speak on their behalf, thereby relinquishing their speaking time to the designated spokesperson on the public hearing agenda item for which designation was made.  A speaker's waiver form must be filled out and signed by individuals in the audience and presented to Council at the time that s/he appears before Council.  Speaking time is one minute per name up to a maximum of 10 minutes.

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The COMMITTEE portion of the agenda is known as the CONSENT Agenda.  It is an effective procedure used by Council to handle routine items expeditiously.  Each Councilmember is assigned a committee and reviews all items prior to the meeting. Committee items are adopted by one motion unless a member of the public or a Councilmember wishes to address a particular item.  In such cases, the item will be pulled from the consent agenda and considered separately.

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Cancellation of a Noticed, Scheduled Hearing

There are times when a noticed, scheduled hearing will not be heard due to the petition not being perfect.  You may call the Office of the City Clerk anytime four days prior to the hearing to confirm that the hearing will be held.

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Special Discussion/Standing Committee Meetings

Special Discussion/Council Standing Committee Meetings are held on an as-needed basis prior to the regular session of Council, in the Mascotte Room.  Documentation of these meetings is made by Council staff and is open to the public.

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Council/CRA Calendar

The Council/CRA Calendar is updated by the Office of the City Clerk after the action agenda(s) have been finalized and printed.

Items placed on the Council/CRA Calendar are the regular, evening, and workshop sessions scheduled by the Council and the regular sessions of the CRA.  Also listed on the Council/CRA Calendar are any special sessions of the CRA and any special sessions of Council such as public hearings, workshops, presentations, items scheduled for a time certain, and any canceled sessions.   Also listed on the Council/CRA Calendar are any Standing Committee meetings, Special Discussion meetings, or any special meetings that the Council must attend as a group.

The updated Council/CRA Calendars are posted on the bulletin board in the main lobby of Old City Hall and are also available online.

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ADA Information

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statute, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the Office of the City Clerk at (813) 274-8397 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the date of the meeting.

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Parking Facilities in the Vicinity of City Hall

Fort Brooke Garage (107 N Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602) is the nearest public garage with spaces dedicated to hourly parking. The entrances to this garage can be found on East Whiting Street between South Franklin Street and South Florida Avenue, on South Franklin Street just south of East Whiting Street, and on South Florida Avenue just south of East Whiting Street. The fee for parking is $2 for the 1st hour and $2 every hour after with a daily maximum of $12. Electric Vehicle (EV) charging ports can be found on the north side of the 3rd floor of the garage, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

On-street parking is also available along East Kennedy Boulevard, East Jackson Street, and North Florida Avenue at a rate of $2.50 per hour. Parking can be paid for using an on-street pay station, or more conveniently, by using one of the available mobile payment applications (Passport, ParkMobile, PayByPhone, Flowbird).

On-Street Parking for Individuals with a Disabled Parking Permit

City of Tampa Parking allows individuals displaying a valid disabled parking placard or license plate to park in ANY on-street space for free during City Council Sessions. Interaction with a pay station or mobile app is not required. Simply park in any available on-street space and attend the City Council Meeting. 

Departmental Contacts for Assistance

Scheduling Procedures
Office of the City Clerk (Online )
Phone: 274-8397
Fax: 274-8306

Land Uses, Wet-Zonings or Zoning Categories
Land Development Coordination 
Phone: 274-8405

Closure/Vacating Petitions
Phone: 274-8725

Plan Amendments - Planning Commission
Phone: 272-5940

Video Tapes of City Council Meetings
Office of Cable Communications
Phone: 274-8217

Meeting Transcripts

Rules of Procedure

The  Rules of Procedure govern the conduct of City Council sessions.

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