City Hall

Apply to the Housing Rehabilitation & Renovation Program (HRRP)

Construction Worker on Roof

The City of Tampa's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is pleased to announce the launch of the Housing Rehabilitation & Renovation Program (HRRP). The program aims to provide financial assistance for the renovation and repair of homes within the City of Tampa's CRA Districts, ensuring safe and secure housing for all residents. 

This program helps residents of Tampa's CRA's homeowners -- who earn up to 140% of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Eligible Repairs Covered by HRRP

  • Roof system repair or replacement
  • Failing or lacking plumbing
  • Electrical systems
  • Failed structural systems such as floors and structural walls
  • Lack of working heat/AC
  • Exterior deterioration (walls, foundation, porches, siding, etc.)
  • Window Replacement
  • Tree Trimming (not a stand-alone service and must be combined with another repair needed)
  • ADA improvements
  1. Verify That Your Property is in City of Tampa Limits

    To qualify, your property must be within CRA limits - Please check your property address on the top right search bar of the Information Locator website below. Information Locator

    • Scroll to Neighborhood Section at the bottom to confirm CRA Neighborhood Area.
    • You must be the owner of the property at the time of application.

    *Note: If you are not located in a Community Redevelopment area, you are not eligible for the program at this time.

  2. Check Your Income Eligibility

    Get copies of pay stubs for the members of your household and calculate your total household income.

    View Income Eligibility Limits

  3. Complete the Application

    • Completed and Signed Application (Authorization of Release for all household members over the age of 13 (Or will turn 18 within 3 months of application).
    • Identification from applicant and co-applicant
    • Proof of all income, from ALL household members, from the last 60 days.
      • Pay Stubs, Social Security (Award Letter), Pension (Monthly Statement), Workers Compensation, Settlements, Child Support etc.
    • Most recent bank statements, including all pages from the last 90 days from all members of the household with eligible income.
      • If self-employed, provide year to date profit-loss statement and last two years of tax returns.
    • Current Mortgage Statement
    • Most recent utility bill statements (Water and Electric)
    • If available, a copy of current homeowners insurance policy.
    • The award letter needs to be provided as well as proof of all income from ALL household members for the last 60 days.

    Application for Housing Rehabilitation & Renovation Assistance

  4. We will review your application

    If you are eligible, we will notify you about your status by mail or phone. You have thirty (30) days to complete the application in its entirely and provide all the required documentation.

Please Note: We will inform you in writing if payment assistance for the repairs to the property is denied based on the initial review. You will have thirty (30) days to contest that denial with new documentation.