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Stormwater Assessment Program

The Stormwater Assessment Program includes a Service Assessment and an Improvement Assessment. The Service Assessment has been in existence since 2003 as described in Resolution 2003-937. The Improvement Assessment was adopted in 2016 as the Stormwater Improvement Assessment for the Central and Lower Basin by Resolution 2016-706.

Stormwater Utility Funding Frequently Asked Questions (2022)

Service Assessment - Annual Non-Ad Valorem assessment that pays for operations and maintenance of the existing stormwater system.  Services include street sweeping, pond maintenance, pipeline system cleaning, outfall cleaning, ditch maintenance and miscellaneous micro-projects ancillary to maintenance activities.

Stormwater Service Assessment Program Report for the 4th Quarter FY 24

Improvement Assessment - Annual Non-Ad Valorem assessment, that pays for capital improvements associated with the stormwater system in the Central and Lower Improvement Area.  Improvements include system capacity increases, treatment facilities such as ponds, ditches and baffle boxes, new pipelines and box culverts, pump stations, backflow valves, inlets, curb and gutter systems, as well as roadway regrading to improve flow patterns.

Miscellaneous Capital Improvement Program Completed Projects
Capital Improvement Program Active Project list can be found in the Stormwater Quarterly Reports.