Tampa Kayaker Sunset

30% Design Completion


The Beach Place Project will improve the City of Tampa’s water distribution system by…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $381,745Fund Source: PIPES

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new and larger…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $12,342,980Fund Source: PIPES

The Coachman Ave Project will improve the City of Tampa’s water distribution system by…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $6,173,641Fund Source: PIPES

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new and larger…

Council: 6Est. Cost: $2,235,599Fund Source: PIPES

This project will replace the aging water mains in this area with new and larger…

Council: 5Est. Cost: $1,038,645Fund Source: PIPES

The Peter O Knight Project will improve the City of Tampa’s water distribution system…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $960,089Fund Source: PIPES

The South Howard Water Improvement Project will improve the City of Tampa’s water…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $4,848,726Fund Source: PIPES


Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Council: 5Est. Cost: $685,000Fund Source: Local Option Gas Tax

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Council: 7Est. Cost: $3,500,000Fund Source: Yet to be Determined

Intersection Improvements

Council: 5Est. Cost: $400,000Fund Source: Multiple Funding


Council: 5Est. Cost: $235,000,000Fund Source: Transportation Impact Fees

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Council: 4Est. Cost: $1,800,000Fund Source: Multiple Funding

Neighborhood Improvements- Resurfacing

Council: 6Est. Cost: $2,000,000Fund Source: Local Option Gas Tax

Complete Streets & Safety Improvements

Council: 5Est. Cost: $750,000Fund Source: Transportation Impact Fees

Congestion Mitigation

Council: 5Est. Cost: $5,500,000Fund Source: Multiple Funding

Bike & Pedestrian Improvements / Complete Streets

Council: 4Est. Cost: $56,860,000Fund Source: Multiple Funding

Stormwater Engineering

Flooding Relief

Council: 5Est. Cost: $90,000Fund Source: Stormwater Improvement Fee

Flooding Relief

Council: 4Est. Cost: $11,000,000Fund Source: Stormwater Improvement Fee

Flooding Relief/ water quality improvement

Council: 7Est. Cost: $90,000Fund Source: Stormwater Improvement Fee


The force main replacement project will replace aging, deteriorated pipelines that…

Council: 4Est. Cost: $156,000Fund Source: PIPES