Tampa Convention Center News

The Tampa Convention Center garage, located on East Brorein Street in downtown Tampa, will be closed July 5-8, 2023 due to a private event. Alternative parking garages include Pam Iorio Parking…

Tampa Convention Center is proud to announce that it has been selected as a finalist in the Stella Awards based on the number of public votes it received. The Tampa Convention Center is under…

The city of Tampa was ranked as one of the Top Meeting Destinations in North America for 2023. Tampa was featured as the 24th top meeting destination by industry-leading meetings, events, and…

SOF Week, a national convention dedicated to Special Operations Forces (SOF), is underway at the Tampa Convention Center in downtown Tampa. The event started May 8 and runs through May 11, 2023.…

The Tampa Convention Center is expecting increased traffic volume in downtown Tampa during the Special Operations Forces (SOF) Week happening May 8-11. There will also be limited parking…

Sustainability is a priority to Tampa Convention Center and event planners. On Earth Day and every day, we implement several measures to conserve energy and reduce waste at the Tampa Convention…

The Tampa Convention Center is nominated for Best Convention Center in the Southeast in the 2023 Stella Awards. The awards recognize outstanding quality and service in the meetings industry, and…

The Tampa Convention Center is anticipating a busy weekend April 15 & 16, during the Tampa United Volleyball Slam and Next Level Nationals Cheer & Dance Competitions. Drivers, please…

Tampa Convention Center was proud to facilitate the donation of 841 pounds of supplies to benefit teachers and students in Hillsborough County Public Schools. Two Tampa Convention Center clients…

Groundbreaking new research was unveiled at the Tampa Convention Center during The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer. Two studies found that combining…
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