Around Tampa Night Merged

Grease Management Ordinance Rates, Fees, And Charges

Inspection and Re-inspection Fees

Periodic Inspections:  There will be no charge for periodic inspections conducted by the Grease Management Program (GMP) officials on food service facilities.

Re-inspections:  If a grease interceptor or grease trap has to be re-inspected because of deficiencies found during a previous inspection, and all of the deficiencies have been corrected, there shall be no charge for the re-inspection.

(1) If all of the deficiencies have not been corrected, a re-inspection fee of $61.00 per hour shall be charged to the facility.

Enforcement Fees

Sampling fees:  Fees for any sampling, and analysis of wastewater discharges deemed necessary for the protection of the treatment works shall be charged to the facility in the amount of $150.00 per sampling event.

Pump out fees:  If the owner continues to violate the provisions of the grease management ordinance, or fails to initiate or complete corrective action in response to a NOV, or a City approved plan to rectify the violation, the Director may charge a $50.00 administrative fee in addition to seeking reimbursement of the costs to retain a service to pump the interceptor.

Grease Haulers Fees

There are no fees for Grease Haulers.