Ground Breaking for Utilities Project

Wastewater Department

Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant

Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant 

Renovated San Carlos Pumping Station 2021

San Carlos Pump Station Rehabilitation 2021

San Carlos Dry Pit Pump Room

San Carlos Dry Pit Pump Room

Renovated Louisiana Pumping Station 2021

Renovated Louisiana Pumping Station 2021

Renovated Louisiana Pumping Station Aerial 2021

Renovated Louisiana Pumping Station Aerial 2021

Chlorine Contact Chamber - Final Wastewater Treatment Process

Chlorine Contact Chamber - Final Wastewater Treatment Process

Manhole Covers

Manhole Covers

Vac Con Truck

Vac Con Truck

Do you know what wastewater is? Wastewater is water that has been "used" in private and commercial properties and is disposed of via drains. This includes toilets, showers, dishwashers, washing machines and many other appliances/floor drains in residential, commercial or industrial properties. 

The City of Tampa's Wastewater Department receives and treats wastewater collected from the Tampa area and surrounding suburbs. On an average day, more than 50 million gallons of raw sewage flow into the Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP). This raw sewage is treated to an advanced level that meets or exceeds federal regulations, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System standards (NPDES). 

These regulations are state and federal regulatory guidelines to ensure the proper treatment of raw wastewater. Historically, the AWTP's discharge effluent (treated wastewater) levels have remained well below established requirements.

 In addition to treating the City's wastewater, the Collections Division maintains all of the City's 1800 miles of gravity and force main sewer lines, and 30,000      manholes, and 667 air release valves. The Collection Division is also responsible for enforcing the Grease Management Ordinance, utility locating services and maintains the Department's vehicle fleet.


Effective October 1, 2024, the base and usage rates for wastewater services have changed . Please visit the PIPES web page for information and assistance.

Customer Service Center:

Do NOT use to report sewer backup emergencies, report immediately by calling (813) 247-3451. This is a 24/7 emergency number. 

Use "Address Lookup" to find your service provider

We are pleased to offer our citizens, businesses, and visitors access to building, zoning, planning, historic preservation, and enforcement government services online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To submit a wastewater utility application electronically select  

Programs and Services

Information Resources


  • Never pour fats, oils, and greases down your drains. Used cooking oils/sauces/gravies can be stored in a container to cool. After cooling, they may be disposed of in the trashcan.
  • Never put anything in your toilet except human wastes and tissue paper.
  • Do scrap excess foods directly into your trashcan before putting your dishes in the dishwasher.
  • Do use your garbage disposal sparingly.

If you are experiencing a sewer back up or overflow call us immediately at 813-247-3451. This is a 24/7 number. The department will send out a triage crew to inspect your lines and locate the problem. If it's in our pipes we'll take care of it at no charge to you. If it's in your pipes, we'll give you all the information you need before calling a plumber.

If you have additional questions or concerns about proper grease disposal please give us a call at 813-898-1420 or visit our website at Grease Ordinance