Looking up at palm trees at Curtis Hixon Park

West Tampa Alleyway Action Plan

Community Meeting - West Tampa CRA Alleyway Action Plan Community Meeting - Thursday January 25, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. - Martin Luther King Jr., Recreation Complex, 2200 N. Oregon Ave Tampa FL 33607

The City of Tampa has partnered with Kimley-Horn and Associates to develop an Alleyway Action Plan for the West Tampa Community Redevelopment Area (CRA).

The Tampa Comprehensive Plan identifies the existing alleyway system as a significant and defining feature of neighborhoods, and a key element of the public realm that provides for livable places, connected people, and collaborative progress.

The purpose of the Alleyway Action Plan is to create a comprehensive inventory of alleys in the West Tampa CRA and to develop a long-term vision for the alleyway system in West Tampa. The plan will be developed in coordination with CRA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) members, West Tampa residents and community stakeholders and will include typologies for different alley treatments. The consultant will also develop planning level cost estimates and a prioritized list of capital improvements for future consideration.

Another purpose of this study will be to develop updates to the transportation technical standards for alleys with the goal of providing general guidance to developers on a range of city-approved alley surface treatments and design techniques that are both cost-effective and consistent with stormwater engineering industry standards. The purpose of these standards is to ensure that required improvements are a result of, and directly proportionate to, the impacts of the proposed development.

The project includes extensive research and data collection and community engagement.

The study was kicked off in May of 2023 and is expected to conclude in the summer of 2024.

The consultant team presented a study update presentation to the West Tampa CRA CAC on November 28, 2023, and again on May 21, 2024. Links to the presentations can be found below.

City of Tampa Project Manager:
Andy Mikulski
Senior Planning Coordinator

West Tampa CRA Manager:
Melisa Martinez