Are the Tampa Comprehensive Plan land use categories and policies guiding growth in a way that moves Tampa in the right direction?

Tell us what you think at the Virtual Public Meeting on September 21! The purpose of the assessment is to learn how the Future Land Use Categories and associated policies have been successfully working toward the goals of the Tampa Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Vision for the 2045 update, and identify which categories and policies need to be improved.

The results of this assessment, combined with feedback from the public and stakeholders, will inform recommendations to improve the Future Land Use Categories.
The priority areas of focus include:
- The Future Land Use Categories and their associated density and intensity ranges;
- The impact of Future Land Use policies on housing affordability;
- The structure of density bonus opportunities; and
- Compatibility of Future Land Use regulations with the character of existing neighborhoods.
About the update
The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission, in coordination with the City Planning Department, is overseeing a multi-phased, multi-year plan update that will lead to in-depth revisions to the Tampa Comprehensive Plan through the 2045 horizon year.