We are developing a comprehensive Master Plan to help guide the progress of our park facilities over the next 10 to 15 years. Questions? Call or e-mail us.
The City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) is a long-range planning document intended to shape the direction, development, and delivery of the City's parks and recreation facilities, programs, and services over the course of the next 10-15 years. This PRMP is the first such plan undertaken by our department and will have a profound impact on the Tampa of tomorrow.
The purpose of this PRMP is to provide the opportunity to re-imagine the Vision and goals of our department and to establish a shared set of your community needs and priorities. The Vision ultimately provides the foundation for a focused direction for the development and delivery of parks and recreation services. The shared community vision, Your Vision, advances the mission of the department, and responds to the changing needs and priorities of the community. Your Vision will help ensure that the City of Tampa is meeting the needs of residents today, while promoting a healthy, sustainable, and equitable park system for the future.
Late in 2020, the City's consultant, AECOM, began the master planning process with a System Inventory and Analysis of the 191 parks and recreation program offerings. In 2021, AECOM gathered input from stakeholders and the public through public meetings, online and statistically valid surveys. The information gathered from these two efforts provided an extensive, detailed Vision for our parks and recreation programs. The Implementation Plan, which is the final step for the City of Tampa PRMP, focuses on the execution of the Vision and guiding principles through several components that are intended to define the direction of the Parks and Recreation System for the next 10-15 years and beyond.
The Final Draft of the Master Plan is available for public viewing.