Ballast Point Pier Sunrise

Natural Resources Section

Tampa Urban Forest Management Plan

Tampa Urban Forest Management Analysis

City of Tampa State of Tampa's Urban Forest

City of Tampa Urban Forest Analysis and Management Plan Background

City of Tampa Tree Matrix - Final Version 2019

Other Informative Links

Tree and Landscape Code Update Project

City Council Initiated Amendments

Chapter 13, Sec. 13-45(g):   Draft Changes - Regarding Grand Tree Removal and Related Procedures and Criteria

City Staff Summary Report presented to City Council on March 1, 2018

Note:  Draft Changes made and transmitted to the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission for review and recommendation, pursuant to City Council motion on March 1, 2018 Regular Agenda:

File Nos. E2016-15 and E2017-8 CH 27 (Verbal report provided by Senior Assistant Attorney Rebecca Kert, Legal Dept. and Catherine Coyle, Planning and Urban Design Manager)

Legal Department and City Staff to review the ordinance submitted by Gina Grimes; further, that the Legal Department and City Staff to appear with a report of the City’s opinion, whether favorable or unfavorable of said ordinance. - (Original motion initiated by Reddick-Maniscalco on February 22, 2018.)

  • Motion:  (Suarez-Viera) That Council directs staff to transmit the City’s recommendation proposal to the Planning Commission.  Motion carried with Cohen and Miranda voting no and Reddick being absent.
  • Motion:  (Mansicalco-Cohen) That the City’s recommendation proposal presented by Catherine Coyle, Planning and Urban Design Manager, be received and filed.  Motion carried with Reddick and Miranda being absent.

Proposed Comprehensive Drafts

1st DRAFT:

DRAFT - Chapters 13, 19, and 27 Article I - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 3, 2017

DRAFT - Chapter 27 Article II - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 3, 2017

DRAFT - Chapter 27 Article VI - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 3, 2017

DRAFT - List of Resources & References -- draft date APRIL 3, 2017

REVISED DRAFT - Chapters 13, 19, and 27 Article I - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 19, 2017

REVISED DRAFT - Chapter 27 Article VI, Subdivision 1 - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 19, 2017

REVISED DRAFT - Chapter 27 Article VI, Subdivision 2, Secs. 27-285 - 27-285.3 - Proposed Changes -- draft date APRIL 19, 2017

DRAFT - Tree and Landscape Technical Manual -- draft date MAY 10, 2017

2nd DRAFT**:

DRAFT - Chapters 13, 19, and 27 Article I - Proposed Changes -- draft date AUGUST 2, 2017

DRAFT - Chapters 13, 19, and 27 Article I - Proposed Changes -- draft date AUGUST 2, 2017

DRAFT - Chapter 27 Article VI, Div 4, Subdivisions 1-2 - Proposed Changes -- draft date AUGUST 2, 2017

Pending Documents:  Publication of 2nd DRAFT documents pending revisions based on the public comment (Tree and Landscape Technical Manual, Chapter 27-Article II, Chapter 27-Art VI-Subdivision 2-Secs. 27-284 & 27-285 Tables)

**NOTE: The 1st DRAFT of a specific Chapter/Article remains valid if revisions are pending incorporation of public comments or are not proposed for the 2nd DRAFT.