Aerial of Riverfont Park

Tampa Heights Riverfront Community Advisory Committee Information

Tampa Heights CRA Community Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Community Advisory Committees is to ensure that the interests of residents, property owners, businesses, and other stakeholders in the area are represented in key decisions. Community Advisory Committees provide input and make recommendations to City staff and the Community Redevelopment Agency concerning their respective areas. Interested parties must live or work on one of the redevelopment areas or have significant interests within the area. Individuals with a background or expertise in the redevelopment process, such as neighborhood planning, real estate development, or real estate finance are also being sought. These positions are voluntary. Individuals appointed to Community Advisory Committees serve without compensation. 

CAC Meeting Dates, Times and Location:

Location: Bush Ross Law firm, 1801 N Highland Ave, Tampa, FL 33602

Time: 6:00 p.m. Third Tuesday of every month

Tampa Heights CAC Monthly Meeting Calendar 2025


CAC Members

  • Chris Ahern
  • Fred Henry
  • Jeffrey Warren
  • Jordan Smith
  • Michael Musetta
  • Raj Patel
  • Justin Ricke
  • Matthew Sokolowski
  • Tina Eloian
  • Kareem Young

Updated: 01/03/2025