Recycling Enforcement

Reducing Recycling Cart Misuse

Recycling only works if we all do it right! The Recycling Division is responsible for ensuring that recyclable materials collected are recoverable and do not include Contamination (prohibited items that cannot be placed in recycling). To accomplish this, the division focuses on education, outreach, monitoring and constantly improving the Department's comprehensive recycling program.

Comparing good and bag recycling: one cart has trash items and one has accepted  items.

A part of the outreach efforts is to provide real-time, curbside education. This is done by placing tags on carts or sending direct mailers that highlight what could be improved. The tags provide all the needed information to be successful in the recycling program and to avoid a tag in the future. If tagged, the cart is unable to be serviced because it is not compliant with the program. All contaminants will need to be removed before the next scheduled collection day to receive service. This is done to enhance the quality of recycling in Tampa. Many residents follow the program rules and only recycle what is listed as accepted. All areas of Tampa will be audited for tagging purposes. Households that do not comply with provided feedback and continue to misuse their recycling carts may have their green carts removed. 

To make recycling sustainable, program rules must be followed and checking carts allows us the opportunity to give personalized feedback. 

Per City code: Sec. 26-152. - Ownership of solid waste – recycling cart contents are city property once placed at the curb. We have the right to audit.

Sec. 26-204. - Recovery of recyclable or recovered materials – Same as above but specific to recycling.

Recycling Oops Tag