Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program

1. Program Description and Assistance Overview

East Tampa CRA Residential Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program (ROOR), is a program made to improve property conditions, aesthetics, aid in the elimination of slum and blight, and provide for the rehabilitation of the aging, exiting housing stock in the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area.  

Grant Amount Affordability Period
$0-$14,999 5 Years
$15,000 - $30,000 10 Years
$30,001 - $50,000 15 Years
$50,001 - $75,000 20 Years
$75,001 - $100,000 30 Years

Things to be considered:

  • A deferred loan, in the form of a recorded mortgage and note., will be placed on the property for the extent of the affordability period.
  • The promissory note and mortgage will be released according to the affordability period, completion of work and owner occupancy requirements.
  • Assistance will become due and payable if the property is sold, refinanced (cash-out), rented or no longer owner-occupied.

2. Verify Your Property is Located Within the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area boundaries: 

To qualify, your property must be within the East Tampa Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) boundaries. Please check your property address on the top left search bar of the “CRA GIS Property locator website below:

3. Check your property’s eligibility:

To receive assistance, the property must be:

  • Within East Tampa CRA boundaries
  • Must be a single-family residence.
  • Applicants’ primary residence
  • Current on Property Taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and mortgage payments (if applicable).

Non-Residential property (multi-family, business, commercial and industrial properties) located within the East Tampa CRA are not eligible for the program.

4. Check your Income Eligibility

To receive assistance, your total household income must be under 120% Area Median Income. Please review your income and check your income eligibility below:

Household Size 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons
Above Moderate (140%) 85,260 97,440 109,620 121,660 131,460 141,260 150,920 160,720
Moderate Income Income (120%) 73,080 83,520 93,960 104,280 112,680 121,080 129,360 137,760
Low Income (80%) 48,650 55,600 62,550 69,500 75,100 80,650 86,200 91,750
Very Low (50%) 30,450 34,800 39,150 43,450 46,950 50,450 53,900 57,400
Extremely Low (30%) 18,250 20,850 24,860 30,000 35,140 40,280 45,420 50,560

5. Complete Application

For your information: The Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency, will work with the Housing and Community Development Division to ensure we prioritize applications for safety and code enforcement issues, if the repairs of the home exceed ROOR program guidelines, there may be other options, available from the Housing and Community Development Division. 

6. Thank you for applying, we will review your application.

If you are eligible and funding is available, we will notify you about your status. The Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency does not have a waiting list and will not have a waiting list for any problems, funding is provided on a first-come first-served basis.

Updated: 05/02/2024