- If the proposed enclosure is on a property where a new residential dwelling and/or pool are under construction or has been issued a c/o within 2 years, the site plan must be based on the approved plan for the SFR or pool to ensure compliance with COT municipal codes.
- Projects with encroachments into the listed tree protective distances may have the plan certified by an approved arborist under the COT self-certified arborist program.
- If a release of Easement is necessary, it must be approved by the Right of Way and Mapping division or private entity prior to approval of Building permit.
- Site Plan
- Location and Dimensions: Plan indicating location and dimensions of proposed enclosure, all property lines, onsite structures, and power lines.
- Site Elevations: Existing and proposed assumed site elevations on a 25’ grid and 10’ past the adjacent property lines.
- Survey: If proposed enclosure includes over 1,000 square foot of new concrete slab a signed and sealed
- Trees: Identify all trees within 20’ of proposed work (including species and diameter of each). Specimen trees 24” DBH (diameter breast height – see Exhibit E) require a minimum of 15’ foot protective distance and Grand Trees 32” DBH or larger require a minimum of 20 foot from construction.
- Easements: All COT easements and private easements must be shown.
- Structural Plans
- Signed and sealed structural plans to the current Florida Building Code and digital signature standards
- Indicate emergency escape locations for bedrooms (if applicable).
Completed Owner-Builder Acknowledgement form (if applicable).
Learn more about project qualifications for the Fast-Pass Same Day application
Plan Review
RFC (Ready For Completion)